catching the bully

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Lita's POV

I was walking down the corridor with Matt since I just had a match against Maria and she had Joey Mercury attack me from behind so basically I pinned Maria and she wasn't happy so she got Joey to attack me and Matt came to my aid and he helped me out of the ring and he is still holding onto me just in case I fall over.

Lita: thanks Matt

Matt: no problem

Since Maria is Joey's cousin well that is what people say but we don't know.

Lita: I seriously hate her

Matt: I can't believe I went out with her

Lita: when I am better I will get my revenge on that fake bitch 

Matt: let's make it a mixed tag match 

Lita: I like the sound of that

???: so do I 

We turned around and saw Vince and Stephanie behind him.

Vince: next week we will have you two tagged up and you will go against Maria and Joey Mercury

Matt: thanks Vince

Vince: no problem

Then they walked away and we carried on walking to mine and Trish's locker room.

End of POV

Trish's POV

I am in my locker room when the door opened and Jeff walked in he gave me a smile.

Trish: hey Jeff

Jeff: hey 

Trish: what's up?

Jeff: nothing just thought that I would see my best friend

Trish: *giggles* okay what is it?

Jeff: what? Can't I hang out with my best friend

Trish: of course you can

Then the door opened and in walked Lita I instantly helped Matt to put Lita down.

Trish: Lita?

Lita: Trish I am fine

Trish: no you're not

Lita: I'll be fine Trish

I walked out of the room I heard Lita, Matt and Jeff call me but I ignored them. I headed to the curtain I will bloody kill Maria and Joey Mercury and put Terri to it I will kill them all they have gone over the line no body messes with my friends they can hurt me all they want I don't care but when they mess with my friends that is when they cross the line.

I walked out from the curtain and walked down to the ring.

J.R: it's Trish Stratus

Jerry: she doesn't look happy

J.R: you're right King 

I walked up the steps and got in the ring I pointed to the crowd and smiled then I got a microphone and my music died down.

Trish: I want Maria, Joey Mercury and Terri to get their asses out here now!

Jeff walked down the ramp and he walked up the steps and got in the ring his music died down.

Jeff: Trish I can't let you do this alone

Trish: Jeff I have to Maria hurt Lita and I am pretty sure that Terri had something to do with it and I won't have them hurt my best friend 

Jeff: what about Mercury he hurt Lita as well

Trish: I know and I will do anything to hurt him I don't care if I get hurt I just want my friends safe

Jeff: we won't let you fight them on your own

Trish: I have to

Jeff: at least let me be down here and you can have Ashley as your partner

Trish: Jeff I would love to but this is something that I need to do and I don't care wha......

Maria: sweetheart you think I set the whole thing up 

Trish: it is something you would do

Maria: well it ain't me 

Trish: oh really then who was it?

Maria: it was Terri she wanted get rid of Lita

Trish: liar because you are the one who wants Matt back and besides you are close to Joey and just keep this in mind I will attack you and hurt you just as bad as you attacked Lita because no one messes with my friends and gets away with it.

Maria: awe you think you can beat me 

Jeff: we also know it was you

Maria: what?

Jeff: about those messages

Maria: what messages *acting clueless*

Jeff: don't play dumb with me I know it was you and Terri who were sending those horrible messages to Trish 

Maria: so what

Jeff: just watch your back because if you mess with Trish you have got the other divas 

Maria: sure whatever

Trish: how do you know that Maria sent the messages? 

Jeff: I overheard Maria talking to Terri and Kelly Kelly that she sent those messages 

Trish: I will kick your ass 

Maria: good luck but also you can't wrestle if you're in the hospital

I instantly turned around and saw Big show and Joey Mercury I was about to get attacked by Big show he got close to me and he shoved me right outside the ring and I hit my head but I saw John and Matt came running down to the ring and they attacked Big show with Jeff and then Joey Mercury was about to attack me then I heard the Undertaker's theme play and Joey Mercury and Big show slid out of the ring. I then felt being lifted up I saw who it was and it was Jeff he picked me up and we all walked backstage.

Jeff: are you okay?

Trish: I'm fine don't worry

Matt: lucky we came down 

Trish: *nods*

We got to mine and Lita's locker room and Jeff laid me on the sofa next to Lita. 

Lita: Trish why would you do that?

Trish: hey she hurt you and I wanted to give her a piece of my mind 

Lita: I know but me and Matt have a match against her and Joey Mercury

Trish: great put her in her place and prove to her not to mess with us

Lita; will do

I smiled and Lita told me what will happen when she goes up against Maria and Joey. 

End of POV

Matt Hardy x Lita and Jeff Hardy x Trish StratusWhere stories live. Discover now