Threats and bullying

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Trish's PoV

Lita came out the hospital last week but she can't wrestle for like a month since where she got hit was bad anyway I'm in my locker room when I had a text and so did Lita we looked at them and they said the exact same thing it read:

Ha bitches of wwe that's what you two should be called because you can't wrestle, you can't talk big and even when you do you can't back it up just admit it girls you are a weak pair

From random number

I looked at Lita and she looked at me.

Trish: strange

Lita: I know did they get a wrong number

Trish: not sure

Lita: hmm

Trish: Lita

Lita: yeah

Trish: do you think it is starting again?

Lita: I'm not sure but if it is we will always stick together

Trish: yeah

I can't believe what this person is saying but if I find out who it is I will kill them anyway me and Lita walked out of our locker room we decided to find Ashley then we texted her saying meet us in the corridor near the curtain she texted back with okay then we got pushed off the crates and we heard laughing oh what a surprise it was Maria and Terri great the bitches from hell.

Terri: you're in our way

Trish: *rolls eyes*

Lita: grow up only weak people attack others backstage

Maria: we're not weak

Lita: whatever

Terri: stay away from Matt and Jeff hardy they don't want you near them and they don't want you talking to them so stay away or else we will hurt you really bad.

Lita: you're so stupid

???: calling my girlfriend stupid

We looked up and saw Matt.

Lita: uh yeah

Matt: you're the stupid one *points to Trish*

Trish: excuse me are you saying all blondes are dumb?!

Matt: not all some like you and you *points to Lita* are just annoying

Lita: the nerve you have

Trish: after everything we have done for you

Matt: yeah and all the things we did for you me and my brother didn't have to do that but we did because we were brought up that way.

Lita: whatever why don't you tell your girlfriend that we aren't friends so there's no need to threaten us

Then we walked away I bumped into Jeff I just stood up dusted myself off he was about to say sorry but I ignored him I saw in the corner of my eye that he had an upset expression on his face but when he was near his brother he was different but I shrugged all that off.

Ashley: hey

Lita: hey

Ashley: let me guess Maria and Terri

Trish: add Matt to that as well

Ashley: what about Jeff?

Trish: he wasn't there it was Matt who was there he called me stupid and he said to Lita that she is annoying

Then John came up to us and we told him he wasn't happy so he got Randy Orton and had a tag match against the Hardyz when the match ended it was John and Randy standing tall while Matt was on the ground in the ring and Jeff was knocked out on the outside the ring.

Ashley: there now they should know not to mess with you two

Trish: we didn't want them being knocked out

Ashley: don't worry they will be out for a few minutes not all the time

Lita: okay

John walked backstage with us and Randy went another way since John told us.

End of POV

Jeff's PoV

I lied to my brother saying that I have to make a phone call when I didn't I just needed a walk to get my head around things I'm still confused about the tape that Maria and Terri played was it real or fake it sounded fake in my opinion but it also sounded real the reason why it sounded fake was the voices it wasn't the original Trish and Lita something ain't right.

I heard talking in Trish's locker room and I heard Lita's laugh I remember when it was us like me and Matt making the girls happy and smile.

I need to find out who those people from the recording because it weren't Trish and Lita I would tell Matt but he won't believe me. I went to the lunch room and saw HBK and when he saw me he gave me a small smile.

HBK: what's wrong Jeff?

Jeff: well Maria and Terri had a tape of Lita and Trish talking shit behind our backs but the thing is the tape sounded fake but also real.

HBK: how did it sound fake?

Jeff: the voices it weren't the original and I don't know what to do.

HBK: well you said that the tape sounded fake now if you are good with computers you could get the tape and download it onto a CD and play it over and over again to get the answer.

Jeff: thanks Shawn

HBK: no problem

I stood up and grabbed the tape from Maria's locker room and I did everything that Shawn told me to do and I listened to the tape.

I then came to a conclusion it was fake I kept the disc I heard a knock on the door.

Jeff: come in

The door opened and Shawn walked in.

Shawn: what is the answer?

Jeff: the tape is fake because as you said I kept listening to the tape over and over again and every time it played the voices turned around to be Summer Rae and another diva but I can't tell by the voice but I just know that it ain't Lita or Trish's voice.

Shawn: so what's going to happen now?

Jeff: I'm not sure

Shawn: well if you want my advice I would go and find Trish and Lita and apologise

Jeff: what about Matt?

Shawn: I have seen how Matt is when he is with his girlfriend he doesn't believe anybody but his girlfriend so I would leave the disc and put a note saying to Matt and then see what happens.

Jeff: thank you

I put the disc in a box and put a note for Matt 'play me' then me and Shawn walked out of the room.

End of POV

Matt Hardy x Lita and Jeff Hardy x Trish StratusWhere stories live. Discover now