Chapter 17-We Understand

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Sonic was walking through the forrest thinking. Did he want to give Shadow another chance? Did he want to just forgive him that easily? Did he want this to keep going on if he did? Was it just not a big deal? Was he just being sensitive?  He didn't know anything.

Then he heard someone run up behind him.

"Shadow I told you I want to be alone." Sonic said.

"I know. But I just wanna talk with you." A different voice said.

He turned around and saw Amy standing there with a small smile.

"A-Amy! Uhh... sorry. It was just that earlier Shadow was annoying me and I was just really upset." Sonic lied.

Amy went over to Sonic and hugged him.

"I know about... you and Shadow. That you're together. I saw you guys before you ran off." Amy said.

Sonic started to cry a little.

"Amy... I'm sorry." Sonic said hugging her back.

"Nothing to be sorry about. You like boys. You love Shadow. I understand completely. I know it's hard. Don't worry. I'm here for you." Amy said.

"It's just so scary. What are the others going to say? Shadow doesn't want me to. What will they do to Shadow? They already hate him enough. I don't know what to do." Sonic whimpered.

"It's okay. You're going to be okay. Just... tell them and if they hurt you emotionally or physically then they'll get it from me!" Any said.

"Th-Thanks Ames. Y'know, I really really appreciate you." Sonic said.

"Thanks Sonic. So go back to Shadow. Talk it out, and we can tell the others." Amy said.

Sonic nodded and they both went back.

They found Shadow in the same spot where he left him.

Sonic went on while Amy hid.

"Sh-Shadow?" Sonic said.

Shadow looked up and saw him.

"Sonic before you say anything I want to say I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that and again, it's not you. I want you to know that I love you no matter what. I can't promise you that I'll never yell at you like that again, but if I do, just know that it's not your fault. I'll never be that mad at you." Shadow said.

"Heh. You didn't need say all that, shut up, I forgive you and hug me." Sonic jokingly said.

They both hugged each other and then it led to a kiss. A small one, but a kiss.

"Shadow... I really think-" "Let's go tell your friends." Shadow interrupted.

Sonic stared at him, then gave a small smile.

"Uhh... Amy already knows." Sonic said nervously.

Shadow was stone faced.

"Shadow don't get mad. She understands completely. Trust me." Sonic said.

"Fine. Where's the other ones?"

"Tails is probably around town. Knuckles is somewhere, and Sticks is at her house." Sonic explained.

"Do you want to tell them one by one or in a gang?" Shadow asked.

"Gang." Sonic said.

He ran off and a couple minutes later he came back with all of them, including Amy.

When they saw Shadow, they all got in battle positions.

"What is he doing here?!" Knuckles yelled.

"No no no! Guys chill. He's okay." Sonic said.

"Is he mind controlling you?" Sticks asked.

"No Sticks! I just want you guys to listen." Sonic said.

He began to get nervous and for some reason he just couldn't say it. He didn't know how to, he was scared to.

He started to tear up and breathe faster. Everyone saw that he was struggling and they all hugged him.

"It's okay Sonic. Just let it out. We won't judge I promise." Tails said.

Sonic took a deep breath.

"I... love... Shadow." Sonic said softly.

Everyone hugged him tighter.

"Nothing to be ashamed of." Tails said.

Sonic got up and hugged Shadow and he hugged him back.

Shadow let go and faces the gang.

"I promise that I won't hurt him and I'll never fight you guys again." Shadow said.

Amy hugged him.

"Please take care of him for us. I know he'll do the same for you." She said.

Knuckles went up to him and shook his hand.

"You're lucky. The most mean and unlikable person is being loved. What about me? I'm adorable aren't I? I've been trying to get a girlfriend for a long time and I'm still alone in life." Knuckles said.

"Oh get over it. Look at me! I don't need no one to make me happy. You can't trust anyone with your love." Sticks said.

"... Sure Sticks. Whatever helps you sleep at night." Tails said.

"So is he apart of team Knuckles now?" Knuckles asked.

"It's not team Knuckles!" Sonic yelled.

"No. I am not. I refuse to rely on other people to do a job that can be done myself. I don't need to be in your group." Shadow said sternly.

Everyone stared at him.

"We'll be going now." Amy said.

They all walked off and Sonic hugged him.

"We did it." Shadow said.

"Yay! No more worries! We can be happy together now." Sonic said.

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