6. Close Call

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I had an arm wrapped around Ollie's waist as we quietly walked through the woods back to my house.

I slowly opened the rickety door of my house and we walked in. I had him sit on my couch.

"Give me a second. I'll see what I have to fix you up." I said.

Ollie nodded, he looked around the room curiously.

I grabbed a first-aid kit from a shelf and brought it over, I knelt down in front of him.

I glanced up at his blood-soaked shirt and then up at his tired and pained brown eyes. "I need you to take your shirt off." I ordered huffily.

"Okay." Ollie obeyed. He carefully pulled his t-shirt off, revealing three large scrapes along his chest.

I studied them and pondered. "I need to put some alcohol on that." I rummaged through the kit, grabbing some alcoholic ointment and a cloth.

I put the cloth to his mouth. "Open." I commanded.

He raised an eyebrow, "why?"

I paused, "when I put this on you, it's going to hurt like hell. So, I want you to bite down on the cloth." I ordered.

He nodded nervously. Ollie opened his mouth and I put the cloth in.

"Now, lay down on the couch and place your hands underneath your body." I instructed.

He did as I said.

I grabbed another cloth and opened the bottle of ointment.

"Okay. Brace yourself." I said.

He shut his eyes tight and took a deep breath.

I held my breath and slowly tipped the bottle over. I watched as the ointment began to trickle and then flood out of the bottle onto his chest.

He winced and his breathing quickened, as his body shook. I quickly put the other cloth on his chest and applied pressure.

"Done." I spoke.


I let Ollie rest and he had fallen asleep on the couch. I would need to bandage him up when he awoke.

But, here I was. Sitting next to my counter and wiping away the dried blood of the game that I had devoured not even that long ago.

I was getting softer with this Ollie. I wasn't sure how I felt about that. I mean, he's still unbelievably annoying but.. Well, I don't know..

I heard him groan and I turned around.
His eyes had opened and he was yawning tiredly.

"Good. You're awake." I got out of my chair and walked to him. "I need to bandage you up."

"Our deal.." He murmured.

"English please." I rolled my eyes as I grabbed the linen cloth to wrap around him. "And sit up."

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