Chapter 19- This Is The End

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"What the.." It questioned. "You... Son of a bitch!" Heyelled as he bolted Super sonic speed at it. "You don't touch her again!" He yelled grabbing the robot's arms. Ripping them off like they're nothing. The robots eyes turned big and yellow, shocked of what's it's seeing. "Not so tough now are you!" He yelled and lunged and the robot again.

Sonic reached his arm into the robots chest, and ripped a blinking green and red part out, leaving the robot unfunctional. It fell to the ground, powerless. "Sonic!" Tails yelled running over towards him. He turned around and looked at Tails. "Sonic.. What is this..?" Tails asked him fearfully. Sonic looked at himself, and fell to the ground. Slowly turning back to normal.

"Wait, Amy!" Sonic yelled running over to her. "Amy! Amy wake up!" He kept yelling. "S-sonic.." She said softly. "Tails we have to go now!" He yelled. "The car is on! Let's go!" They ran into the vehicle and took off. "Tails faster!" Sonic kept yelling. "I can only do so much at a RED light!" He yelled back. They saw a shadow hovering above them. Then, a claw went straight into the roof of the car. "Aah!" Everyone screamed because it scared them.

The claws opened the roof up. "Miss me?!" Breeze yelled from the roof. He grabbed the wheel, and ripped it off. The car went out of control on the busy Mobius street. The car turned and hit a curb. Flipping it over.

"Aahhh!" Sonic yelled in pain trying to get out. He saw Cream and Tails were already out. Then he looked at Amy. He had I get her out before he got out. She he grabbed her by the waist, and handed her to Tails. Sonic slid out with scrapes on his chest and back. Breeze came out of camo, and grabbed Sonic by the neck.

"A robot can never do a man's job!" He yelled throwing him into a street lamp. Cream tried to help, so she ran over to him and grabbed his back quills. "Get off me bitch!" He yelled. That made Tails furious. He sat Amy down on a park bench, and ran over to the red hedgehog. He grabbed him by the throat. "Don't. Call. My. Sweetheart. A. Bitch!" He yelled between punches. The word sweetheart got into Creams head easily.

He grabbed Cream and Tails, and threw them both at the same time. "Leave them alone!" He turned and saw Sonic running at him. "Pathetic." He whispered to himself. He pulled his new claw arm out, and swiped it as Sonic dashed by. Cutting his stomach almost open. "Aaraagghhh!" Sonic yelled as blood ran from his stomach. "You're a nothing Sonic. You always were a nothing. So are all your little friends. And now, you get to watch them die. As I did with my brother." He said pissed.

He got off Sonic, and ran over to Amy. Putting his razor sharp finger claw on her neck. "Say goodbye Sonic!" He yelled. He brought his finger up, and was going to slice her neck. *pow!* they heard loudly. "Ahh. Ah- ahhah." They heard Breeze choke out. He fell to his knees, and saw the bullet hole in his chest.

*pow! Pow! Pow!* three more bullets shot out of nowhere. Breeze's eyes closed, and he fell face flat to the pavement. When he fell, behind him stood Shadow the Hedgehog. "Sonic!" Shadow yelled actually worried. He ran over to Sonic and saw his bleeding wounds. He reached in his shoulder bag, and pulled out the last Chaos Emerald. "Chaos... CONTROL!" He yelled. All of Sonic's and the teams injuries were fixed.

"Shadow... You-" "came back? Yeah. What would Silver had done." He stated again. He put his hand out to get Sonic back up. He took his hand, and stood back up. Thy looked at each other for a second. But then, Sonic actually hugged him. "Okay okay. Get off me faker." He said pushing Sonic off. "After all you said... You came back..?" Amy said happily. "Yes. I didn't want to admit it, but I needed you guys to." He said smirking.

"Sooo... What now?" Cream asked, while running over to Tails to check if he had anything fatal. "Babe it's okay! We're okay!" He said happily. He hugged her tight. He looked past her shoulder and saw Shadow staring at him with a wink. He remembered what him and Knuckles said. He looked back into her eyes, and spoke. "I love you Cream." He said smiling. It brought her to tears. That's when he kissed her. Everyone watched and smiled.

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