Chapter 13- Life Itself

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"Amy stop! You're pulling to tight!" Sonic complained. "Quit being a baby! I'm trying to make you feel better and you're H acting like a child." She replied. "But you're pulling really tight!" He griped again. She was wrapping masking tape around his torso. When she was wrapping up, she got closer and closer to his face.

When she kept wrapping, she finally looked into his eyes, Complaining or not. That's when he smiled soundly. He grabbed the back of her head, and kissed her. "What was that for?" She asked smiling. "For healing me." He said with his natural grin.

She grabbed him and kissed him again. "Now what was that one for?" He asked confused, but still smiling. "To shut you up." She said laughing. She finished wrapping him up, and cut the end off. "All done!" She said as she walked over to talk to Cream.

"Oooo Amy I saw that." Cream said smiling. "Ah well. Anything to shut that doofus up." They both laughed. "Oh c'mon. You love him. He's just goofy." Cream said laughing again. "Well yeah! I love that doofus to death!... He's my everything.." She said faintly as she looked over at Sonic love struck.

He was rewrapping his legs and arms with his athletic tape. *snap snap* a hand went in her face. "Wha-what?" She said dazed. "You two are married and you just stare at him! I mean y'all can do whatever with each other!" Cream exclaimed. "I wish Tails would already propose to me.." Cream continued unhappily.

"Awe Cream, you'll have a ring on that finger one day! He knows it too!" Amy said feeling guilt. "You think so?" She said with hope. "I know so. He would give his own life for you." She continued. "Besides, you two kids are just so adorable together!" She said with a lot of excitement.

They both looked over at Tails, who was working Ofcourse. He was working on fixing the jet's targeting system. "He's just so cute when he works on his smart stuff." Cream said blushing.

"How old were you when Sonic proposed?" Cream said curiously. "About your age. In fact, our anniversary is coming up soon. I hope he does something big for it!" Amy said excited. "OOO I can't wait! *gasp* we should go on a double date!" Cream exclaimed.

"Or or.! A triple date! With Rouge and Knuckles too!" She said even happier with that idea. "Yeah! That would be awesome! I'll tell Sonic about it!... You know if something would go normal for a change.." Amy's tone changed.

"Amy I know you two just got settled in, and just got used to the normal lifestyle. As much as id hate to admit it, I kind of missed the old days. I miss being that little girl, who you tucked into bed every night!" Cream said softly.

"I know Cream. Everything is so... Complicated now.." She said as they both look at Sonic getting into a mess with his tape. "Sonic and I are happy together! I love him! But... I just wish life was as simple as it used to be." Amy continued.

"And you won't believe you're going to hear a GIRL say this but... Being a little girl was so much better! Now you have boobs that you have to watch what you're doing! It's just like.. What the heck?!" Cream said uneasy. Amy was laughing her head off over what she said.

"Hah, yeah I guess that's true. But, when you got to my age you'll be use to them. Wait.. You're nineteen! You should be use to having boobs already!" Amy yelled confused. Her and Cream realized how loud they were talking.

They looked around the room and saw everyone looking at them. With all straight faces. Cream was so embarrassed. Mostly because Tails had to hear it. She looked at Tails, then blushed very bright red. "Sooo... Okay then." Rouge said trying not to make it awkward.

Sonic was pretty embarrassed too. Mostly because he had to hear that. Everyone quit looking, and went back to what they're doing. Except Sonic, he walked over to the girls. "Oh no! Now Sonic is coming! Nice Amy!" Cream complained.

"Well, that was a little to close to comfort." Sonic said rubbing the back of his head. Cream turned her head in embarrassment. "Awe Cream. Don't be ashamed of it." Sonic said putting his hand on her shoulder. She always was a shy and tender hearted girl.

"It's just part of growing up. And look at you, so big and beautiful now. Tails is lucky to have you!" He said to her. She turned around and looked at him. "Thank you Sonic." She said sweetly and hugged his neck. She walked over to talk to Tails.

"Wow, a guy giving a girl 'the talk'. I'm impressed sonikku." She said pulling him into the passenger seat. And crawling into his arms.

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