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Riley's POV


My eyes popped open and I heard mom and dad yelling from down the hall.

I quickly get out of my bed and go to my bedroom door. I crack open my door to see what the commotion was about. I didn't want to open it and walk out cause mom and dad get mad when I'm up past my bed time. I see dad running down the hall towards the living room that was a few feet down from my bedroom. "Why are you running daddy?" I asked in a meek voice still covered in sleep. He stops in front of my door and crouches to eye level. "Go grab your sister and hide pumpkin." he replies in a hushed tone. Now I was confused, are we playing a game? But its so late at night. MY eyebrows stitch together with the confusion. "Why? Dad what's going on?" I asked He looks over his shoulder towards the living room as moms scream fills the house. He looks back at me and yells "GO! NOW! RILEY!" and takes off to the living room.

Tears quickly fill my eyes as I run down the hall in the opposite direction, to my sister Sophia's room. I ran to her crib and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding when I saw her wiggling around. I hear another bang from the living room .

I grab a blanket along with my 2 month old baby sister in my 12 year old arms. I quickly did as momma chowed me and swaddled her. I held her close to my chest and ran to the kitchen. I grab the phone from the counter and hid under the kitchen sink. once I'm hidden I dial the emergency number mom and dad have. They say to call it instead of the police because of their job. As it rang I went over the drill in my head.

I am only allowed to say one thing to the person on the other end of the line. A number. A code for their work, one only their people will understand.

1- been gone 2 days more than scheduled

2- random car following us or sitting outside the house

3- someone has broke in

There are several more but I stop because that's the one I say. 3.

"Ring... ring.." I start to hear different voices from the living room. I swallow the lump in my throat. "Ring.. ring.." "Go check the rest of the house!" a voice shouted from the living room. tears threatened to spill but I was determined not to let them. Sophia needs me to be strong. Mom needs me.. Dad needs me.. My family needs me to be strong. "Ring.. Taylors." someone answered on the other line. I went to speak but stop when I hear someone walking towards me from the living room. "3" I say as low as possible but to were the other person on the phone can hear me. " Click." they hung up.

I took deep quiet breaths to calm down. For mom, dad, and Sophia.. I thought. I turned the phone over and took the batteries out, Ill be damned if those men find me because they called the house phone. "No one is here sir." I heard a voice, voice number 2, say. "The house is clear and so if the surrounding areas." another voice, voice 3, said. "Good." voice 1 responded. "Our work here is done, clean up and lets get out of here." voice 1 continued. "Yes boss." said what seemed to be like 5 voices responded.

After a moment I heard 6 pairs of footsteps leading away, towards the living room. They get farther and farther away, and soon the sound of the front door opening and closing reaches my ears. I slowly lean down and kiss soph on her head, but instead of moving I stayed still. After about 30 minutes I decided that they had truly left and got out from under the counter. I pressed Sophia closed to me as I walked into the living room. I stopped dead in my tracks as my parents came into sight.

The sight before me was bloody and unrecognizable. At this moment Sophia woke up. I snapped out of my daze and rushed around the house. I put soph in her carrier, made her a bottle and set it up for her to drink without me having to hold it. I started freaking out. If we stay then they could come back, and kill us, or take us with and do the unimaginable. So I did the only thing that I could think of...

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