6. The Bet

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That evening, Wayo had a hard time getting in contact with Ming. He had called him twice and sent him multiple Line messages but still had not heard back from him. He could only assume that Ming was either finally spending time with his cranky girlfriend, Pang, or he had gone out drinking with his new engineering friends. If that was the case, Yo wasn't upset that Ming didn't invite him. He didn't want to be anywhere near Pang and meeting new people always made him nervous. So he went to bed early that night with a lot on his mind and no one to tell it to.

The next day, Yo woke up to two missed calls and a few messages of his own. All of them were from P'Ging.

"Shia! What's all this?" Yo said aloud as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He immediately called P'Ging back.

"Nong'Yo! Where are you??" P'Ging hollered into the phone before Wayo had a chance to say anything. The anger in P'Ging's voice made Yo start to stutter.

"I-I'm in my room. W-what's the matter, P'Ging?" He wondered if P' could hear the sleep still in his voice.

"What's the matter?? You were supposed to be here almost fifteen minutes ago! We can't start the photoshoot without you!"

"Ahh, P'Ging, I'm so sorry! I went to sleep early last night and didn't get your message."

"Well hurry and get here! You're not off to a great start at representing our faculty N'Yo!"

He hung up before Yo had a chance to say anything else. Yo looked at his phone and cursed again. It was only 7:45 am. He tossed his phone on his bed and rushed to the bathroom. A photoshoot?? Great...


Yo showered and dressed quicker than he ever had before and sprinted down the stairs of his dorm; they would be quicker than taking the elevator. He had to read all the messages P'Ging had sent him in order to know where to meet, which was in the center of campus near the statue.

He sprinted over towards the group and as he approached he saw Ming sprinting over from the opposite direction.


"Hey." Ming said flatly. He had on large sunglasses to cover his face and his voice was groggy. His cheeks were flushed pink and Yo knew all too well what this meant. He had a hangover.

"How can you go out drinking when we have activities to prepare for?" Yo scolded.

"Don't start on me. I'm not in the mood." Ming said as they walked over to the rest of the group.

"What's the matter? How come you didn't return my call last night?"

But before Ming could answer, P'Ging's voice rang out to them.

"N'Yo! It's about time you got here." He stormed over to them, but the moment his eyes landed on Ming his attitude changed completely.

"Oh my..." He murmured. "N'Yo, who is your friend here?" He was eying Ming hungrily. Ming wasn't paying him any mind as he was looking out at the rest of the students and watching the camera men set up for the shoot.

Yo looked over at Ming and couldn't help but feel a little jealous. Even with a hangover, Ming was still stunningly handsome. Tall and fit, with the slightest hint of a tan on his skin. He always stood erect and strong and filled with confidence no matter how he was feeling. The dark sunglasses made him look like a bit of a bad boy and the flush on his cheeks just made him look healthy more than anything else.

"Oh um...this is my friend Ai'Ming, from the faculty of engineering." Yo said quietly.

"Mmm mm! You might not make it this year, N'Yo. Engineering came to win, I see." He said while ogling Ming from head to toe.

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