45. My One and Only Moon

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The next day when Wayo woke up, everything felt surreal. He rolled over in his bed to see the most beautiful thing; a sleeping Phana right next to him. His long eyelashes were practically resting on his cheeks and his mouth was slightly parted signifying that he was still in his heavy sleep.

Yo reached over and ran a gentle hand over Phana's face. Then he brushed Phana's bangs out of his eyes causing him to stir in his sleep.


Phana shifted but didn't open his eyes.

"P'Pha. It's time to get up."

Phana shifted again and Yo could see him trying to open his eyes. His eyelids fluttered a few times before finally opening. He looked at Yo, still in a sleepy daze, before he realized where he was and he began to smile.

"Good morning, P'Pha." Yo smiled back at him.

"How are you so beautiful even when you first wake up?" Phana asked in a groggy voice. He stretched his long limbs before sitting up and shaking out his hair.

"Meehh. Such a sweet mouth in the morning." Yo teased. He reached his face up and planted a quick kiss on Phana's cheek. Then he tossed his covers to the side and started to set out his uniform for the day.

"I'm gonna hop in the shower. Will you dress here or head back to your room?" Yo asked. Phana yawned and stretched again.

"What time is it?"


"I think I will head back to my room. I have class at 9 so I have to dress quickly."

Phana got up and walked over to Yo, wrapping his arms around him from behind and burying his face in his neck. "Will I see you later?"

"You can see me whenever you want."

"In that case, I want to see you all the time, every day."

"Don't be silly." Yo smiled as he shooed him away. "We have to go to class. Now get ready so you won't be late, Dr. Phana."

Phana gave Yo a peck on the neck then headed for the door.


By lunch time, Yo was back to feeling nervous. Last night was so amazing that he had completely forgotten about all the drama at school. But when he walked to his classes, the stares started again and people were still commenting about the pictures on Facebook. He kept trying to tell himself that things between him and Phana were perfect and he had nothing to worry about. He no longer doubted Phana's feelings for him but the stares and the comments were still rough to deal with. Why couldn't people just mind their own business?

Yo sat at a table with the Fairy Angels, Ming, and a surprise to all of them: Kit. Kit wasn't very huge on public displays of affection but everyone at the table could see how close he was sitting to Ming and Ming looked proud of it.

"I think it's adorable that you've joined us for lunch, P'Kit. How cute of you to come eat with your boyfriend." Monty batted his eyelashes at Ming and Kit. Kit's cheeks turned pink as he started to feel embarrassed. He was about to scoot away when Ming flung his arm around his waist to stop him.

"Don't even think about it." Ming narrowed his eyes at him playfully. "If you scoot away, I'll kiss you right here and right now."

Kit's eyes grew wide and he quickly scooted back over to Ming; so close he was practically in his lap. Ming put on a smug smile and continued eating his food. Yo laughed quietly to himself. Kit would probably never stop being a grouch but with Ming's playful nature they seemed to balance each other out perfectly.

"Will Dr. Phana be joining us today too?" Monty asked.

"I don't think so. His schedule is pretty busy today." Yo answered.

"Ayyyeee!!!!" Ai'Fatty let out a loud squeal. "Baby Yo! Look at this! Look!

"What is it??" Fatty got up from her side of the table and ran over to Yo. Because of her loud outburst, everyone was curious to know what was the matter. She handed Yo her phone.

"Read what your man has written!" She exclaimed.

Yo looked down at the phone and saw that she was on Facebook. Phana's name was on her timeline and Yo could see that he had written a pretty lengthy post. Monty, Fatty, and the twins crowded around Yo and read from over his shoulders.

I am aware of the rumors that are going around about me. I can do nothing to stop them but I want to tell the truth from my own mouth. Yes, my heart is taken and it has been taken for a while now. There is only ONE person that I have eyes for and I am so very grateful that he has eyes for me in return. He is the one that has captured my heart from the time I was a sophomore in high school. He is the reason there is a smile on my face every day. He is the only one I have inside my heart. And he is the one I want to spend all my time with. My darling Wayo, if you are reading this, please know that I love you very much. You are my one and only Moon.

"Ayyyeee!!! It's so sweet!" Monty fanned himself as he took his seat again. Yo grinned and clutched the phone to his chest in excitement.

"Oi, why can't I have a man like that?" One of the twins asked sadly.

Kit pulled out his phone so that he could know what all the commotion was about. Phana's post was the first one to pop up in his timeline. Ming read over his shoulder with him. When they were done reading they started to smile too.

"I guess that settles it then, Ai'Yo. Phana has spoken, so no one else can make any assumptions." Ming said.

"Yea, those silly rumors should stop now." Kit said, spooning some rice into his mouth.

"And even if they don't, Ai'Yo," Monty said seriously. "They shouldn't matter. You and P'Pha know the truth. It's you and him against the world now." He smiled.

Yo smiled back and handed Fatty back her phone. He then took out his phone and began to dial.

"Excuse me for a second." He said, as he darted away from the table.

"Hello?" Phana answered on the second ring. He was speaking in a hushed voice so Yo assumed he was sneaking to talk on his phone in class.


"Hey babe. What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong. I um...I saw your post and...I just wanted to tell you again that I love you."

Phana smiled. "Always and forever, remember?"

Yo smiled as Phana made a reference to the very last note Yo had given him at their dinner last night.

You are the best for me.

Always and Forever...

"Always and forever, P'Pha."


This is the end. Thank you so much for reading my re-imagining of the 2 Moons story. I'm not sure what is really going on with the future seasons and the new casting auditions but as a way to pay a little tribute I wanted to post the OSTs to this wonderful show. Season 1 was amazing. Thank you to Chiffon Cake for making such memorable characters. And thank you to the wonderful artists that created these amazing songs! :)

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