24. The Lunch Date

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Yo followed Phana to his room and stood in the doorway as he and Mr. Kongthanin walked in. Phana set the new bedding for Wayo at the edge of the bed and his dad dropped Phana's duffel bag in a corner for him.

"Your mom and I will be spending the day together since I am off of work today, so you boys will pretty much have the house to yourselves." Mr. Kongthanin said. "We'll be back by dinner time."

Phana nodded and Mr. Kongthanin turned and exited the room. Wayo nervously moved out of the way to let him pass. He watched him disappear down the hall then turned back to Phana who was already staring at him.

"You know you can come in the room, don't you?" He asked.

Yo took a few baby steps in then stopped. Phana sighed then walked over and grabbed his arm, pulling him into the room.

"I'm not going to bite you, shorty. It's just a room."

I am standing in Phana's room right now. I am really in Phana Kongthanin's room!

Yo looked around in awe at Phana's room. He never could quite imagine what Phana's taste in room decorations would be but Phana turned out to have simple taste that focused on nature. The bedroom was very spacious with enough space to fit two beds in it. Phana's bed was queen-sized with plain white bedding and pillows except for a few smaller decorative pillows. His queen-sized bed sat on a large wooden bed frame that made his entire set up look like something out of a magazine.

He had plants in two corners of his room and the wall decorations were minimal except for the wall that housed his dresser. There was a collage of pictures over it that covered almost the entire wall space. His dressers were made out of the same wood as his bed frame.

Yo slowly turned as he absorbed everything his was seeing. Phana watched him as he stared at his surroundings.

"Is it what you were expecting?"

Yo jumped as Phana's voice brought him out of his thoughts.

"It's so...neat." Yo said still staring.

"Yup, and I cleaned it myself." Phana said in a teasing tone. Yo cut his eyes to him and glared.

Phana smirked and shook his head. "Come here. I'm going to show you how to make the bed."

"I know how to make a bed!" Yo shouted as he stomped over to Phana.

"Oh, you do?" Phana began snatching all the blankets and pillows off the bed and tossed them to the floor. "Show me."

"I don't have to show you anything." Yo said, folding his arms and turning his face away. He could feel his embarrassment starting to creep in. Why, oh why hadn't his dad or one of his maids ever taught him how to make a bed??

"You do if you plan on sleeping in this bed tonight."

Yo balked at him and Phana motioned for him to hurry up. Hesitantly, Yo picked up the smallest sheet and began unfolding it. For some strange reason the edges of it were all cinched together. He tried laying it out but it was impossible with the edges all tight together like they were.

"This sheet doesn't even fit. I think you grabbed the wrong one."

Phana burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?"

"It's called a 'fitted sheet', short kid. Haven't you ever seen one?"

Yo could feel himself getting upset but it was hard to get really mad while listening to Phana's beautiful laugh. He had never heard him laugh before; Phana had always been yelling at him and teasing him in the past, but he was actually laughing now. He was laughing at Yo, but at least he was laughing.

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