27. Avoidance

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Yo wasn't sure what took place in his classes. He was aware that he sat in three classes, but because his head was so filled with Phana he had no idea what was discussed.

His phone buzzed in his pocket and he pulled it out to see multiple Line messages from Ming. Having spent the night at Phana's he had completely forgotten all about Ming.

Maybe it was a good thing he had told Phana to stay away from him. How could he possibly forget about his best friend? Ming was practically family and he had never gone a full 24 hours without speaking to him. Until now.

Meet me at the canteen. The message said.

When his final class dismissed, Yo headed for the canteen. He was vaguely aware of someone calling out to him as he was exiting his building but he was so out if it, he didn't bother to look around. He saw Ming almost immediately and joined him at the table he was seated at.

"Hi, Ai'Ming."

Ming glared at Yo. "Where have you been?? You leave without even telling me? I called and messaged you so many times. I even stopped by your room. I thought something happened to you! I was about to call your dad when P'Kit finally told me that you left to go home with P'Pha."

Yo hung his head as his best friend scolded him. As much as he wanted Ming to shut up right now, he was right. They had always been accountable for each other, so for one of them to practically go missing for 24 hours, it was a frightening thing for the other.

"P'Pha! You went home with a man, last night!?" He screeched, then leaned forward so only Yo could hear him. "Is my best friend turning into a hooker?"

Yo snapped his head upwards. "Aye, Ai'Ming! That's too harsh."

"Well spit it out then! Why did you leave me hanging like that? You're supposed to be my brother."

"Ai'Ming...I'm sorry na..."

"You couldn't even spare two seconds to shoot me a message in return? I would have given you your space if that's what you wanted."

And this time Yo could actually hear the hurt in Ming's voice.

"I really am sorry na."

Ming looked down with a pout on his face and began to eat his food. After a moment of silence, Ming's anger subsided and he nodded at Yo.

"But why do you wear that face? I thought you would be happy after spending a night with your hubby."

"He is not my hubby." Yo scowled.

Ming straightened up and looked at Yo. "What did he do to you? Yo, if he touched you, I swear-"

"He didn't touch me, Ming."

Ming visibly relaxed. "Then what happened?"

"You were right. You told me to watch out and I didn't listen. He's a liar."

Ming waited for him to say more.

"He's been so confusing lately. One minute he's nice to me, the next he is back to treating me like dirt. Then today, as he is dropping me off at our dorm, he tells me that he likes me and that he always has. What a jerk! He was just using this bet to mess around with my feelings. I can't believe I ever liked him..."

Ming shook his head. "I knew it..."

"You knew he liked me?" Yo asked in surprise.

"I had a feeling. Why else would he stick around all these years?"

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