20. Day 1

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Phana took a deep breath as he climbed the last stair to get to the fourth floor. He could feel the perspiration sliding down his back and couldn't wait to take a shower. It had been ninety-five degrees today and the walk from his last class to his apartment felt brutal.

When he reached his door, he was about to stick his key in the lock when he realized that the door was already unlocked. Had that little brat really left his room without locking it?? He pushed it open and walked in and the sight he saw made any traces of irritation he had just felt disappear.

There was Yo, curled up in the center of the bed under the covers, sound asleep. It was obvious he still hadn't figured out how to make the bed because the covers were still in a crumpled heap on top of him. Phana couldn't stop the smile that slowly spread across his face as he walked over and stood by the bed, looking down at him. Wayo had the softest snore and he looked so peaceful as he slept; like a perfect little angel. Phana leaned down close to him and saw just how smooth and clear his skin was. Wow, he really did deserve to win best skin. He thought to himself. It was almost hard to believe that this was the same guy that had been screaming at him this morning.

Phana looked around and noticed that his bookshelves actually were neater, although they weren't organized in any specific order. And his mound of notes was in a neat pile on his desk. In the other corner of his desk sat a styrofoam container of food. He walked over and opened it and his eyes widened in shock. Yo had gotten him Pad Krapow Moo Saap (fried basil and pork) which was his absolute favorite.

Does he know this is my favorite or is this a coincidence?

He turned to look at Yo again and set his bag down. He walked over and leaned over Yo as he slept.

"Shorty" He called softly. But Yo didn't move.

"Shorty...hey." He gently nudged Yo's shoulder and Yo began to stretch in his sleep like a little kitten and rolled over.

Why is he so cute??? Phana sighed to himself.

"Nong'Yo. Wake up."

Yo opened his eyes and blinked a couple times and looked up at Phana with heavy eyelids. Then it was as if reality struck him violently and he bolted upright, staring at Phana, then at the room around him as if he had forgotten where he was.

"Y-you called me Nong." Yo said sleepily. He began to push the covers down and away from himself. Phana simply nodded.


"Don't call me that."

"Then what should I call you? Shorty?...Four eyes?...Little brat?" Phana smirked as Yo scowled.

"Not that either!" He sat back on the bed, sinking into the covers a bit and sulked. Phana looked at him a moment longer with a slight smile on his face then stood up and walked over to his desk.

"You really brought me food?"

"Wasn't I supposed to?" Yo said, darkly.

Yea, but I didn't think you would actually do it...

Phana shrugged and sat at his desk and opened the container. He grabbed the little plastic spoon that was in the bag and began to eat. He did not see Wayo sit up on his knees and crawl forward, trying to see what his reaction would be. Yo tried to peek over his shoulder.

"Do you like it?" He asked. He didn't mean for his voice to sound so eager.

Phana set the spoon down and turned to face him. Yo realized he was still perched on all fours, so he leaned back, trying to hide his embarrassment. Phana tilted his head to the side as he looked at Wayo, chewing his food slowly.

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