26. The Confession

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Phana awoke before his alarm went off. The small flutters of excitement in his stomach is what made him wake up. And when he rolled over to see the beautiful angel lying next to him, he couldn't help but smile to himself and sigh.

Yo was asleep facing him with his mouth slightly parted. Phana knew he was still in his deep sleep because he was still softly snoring. He reached out to brush Yo's hair off his forehead and ran his thumb over his chubby cheeks. While watching him sleep so peacefully, he made up his mind; he was going to call off the bet. Beam and Kit would scold him mercilessly if they found out. This was supposed to be his chance to finally make Yo fall in love with him but holding him hostage for a bet was not the way to do it.

"Nong'Yo." Phana called out to him quietly. "Wake up, Nong."

Wayo shifted a bit in his sleep but he did not want to wake up.

"Yo..." Phana shook his shoulders gently.

"Mmmm." Yo groaned and shifted some more, pulling the covers higher. Phana chuckled and pulled the covers back down.

"It's time to wake up."

Yo wiggled and stretched then finally opened his eyes. When he realized it was Phana looking him in the face, he broke into a sweet smile.

"P'Pha, you're awake." His voice was heavy with sleep.

The butterflies in Phana's stomach were at full effect now. He had half expected Yo to become startled again just like he had the first time he fell asleep in Phana's bed back at the dorm. But this was a nice surprise.

"It's time to start getting ready." Phana brushed more hair out of his eyes.

Yo rolled over so his back was facing Phana and groaned again. "But I don't wanna. I will skip classes today."

"Aye! Today is your first day. You can't skip!"


"Yo....Yo." Phana nudged him but he still wouldn't respond. "Nong'Yo."

Yo then started to fake snore very loudly. "Can't hear you." He said, then began to snore again.

"You little..." Phana reached his long arm over and grabbed him by the waist, turning him back to face him and Yo squealed in surprise.

"We have to get ready." Phana said climbing over top of him and began to tickle him. "Wake up!"

Yo writhed and wiggled, trying to block Phana's hands. "Nooo I want to sleeeep!" He laughed.

Phana grabbed a pillow and held it over his head.

"Don't make me use this."

Yo held up his fist. "Don't make me use this." He said back to him.

"I dare you."

Yo slowly brought his fist to Phana's face and pushed it into his cheek without any force. "Take that."

Phana looked down at Yo and squinted. "How. Dare. You." He tossed the pillow off to the side and Yo's eyes grew wide at what was about to happen.

"Take this!" Phana called out and attacked him with many more tickles. Yo was squirming and laughing so hard he could barely catch his breath.

"I can't...breathe!" He gasped between laughs.

Then there was a knock at the door and both boys froze.

"Good morning boys. Are you decent?"

Phana climbed off of Yo and went to answer the door. "Hey mom."

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