17. The Moon & Star Pageant

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The next few days seemed to fly by and Yo's nerves were on edge. He had already notified P'Dear of what he was going to be doing for his individual performance. He was going to do what Ming suggested which was play the piano and sing, and he was already regretting his decision. What if his voice cracked while he was on stage? What if he sounded horrible after all this time of not singing? What if people booed him off stage? He had been practicing like crazy these past few days, but it still wasn't enough to calm his nerves.

All of these thoughts swam through his head as he prepared for his time on stage. Ming, on the other hand, seemed completely confident. That was no surprise. Ming was always confident. That word seemed to become a part of his physical description now: Tall, tan, handsome, confident. Rolls right off the tongue doesn't it?

Yo stood in line next to his partner Nate. She was looking exceptionally pretty tonight for the pageant. She had curled her hair so it looked light and bouncy and she was wearing red, which looked really good against her skin tone. If Yo had actually been into girls, he would have liked her; she was already so sweet to him in the first place.

They had already done the group performance which had gone perfectly. Yo didn't trip, stumble over his own feet, or forget any of the moves. He was feeling pretty proud of himself. But now his nerves were threatening to overtake him and he didn't know how to control them.

Before any of them took the stage, the previous Moon and Star of the university were going to be introducing them. Yo and all the other contestants were lined up against the wall as Phana and the previous Star made their way towards them from down the hall. Many of the contestants turned to see them walk down. When Yo turned to look, it was as if everything started moving in slow motion.

Phana looked completely stunning. His uniform was freshly pressed and actually a bit different. He did not have the school crest on his chest, and the collar of his shirt was decorated in roses. The top button of his shirt was open so that Yo could get a peek of his collarbones. His black pants had a perfectly crisp crease down the front and they fit snug on his thighs and his bum. His hair was parted on the side and he must have been creating his own breeze when he walked because his hair had the most perfectly tousled look to it. Could he be any more beautiful?

Yo gulped and turned his eyes away

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Yo gulped and turned his eyes away. He did not need to be fantasizing about Phana right now when he was supposed to be concentrating on his performance. Yo stood facing forward and waited for Phana and the previous Star to hurry and walk by. He didn't want to look at Phana, but if Phana walked past, maybe he would be able to get a better look at his...

Stop it, Wayo! Concentrate!

Yo took a deep breath and exhaled quietly. He was startled when he felt someone's fingers on his wrist. He turned and looked up to see Phana's gorgeous brown eyes looking deep into his. His face finally didn't look bored nor was he wearing a scowl. He actually looked...friendly, which of course made him look much more handsome, and Yo had no idea what to do or say.

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