22. Almost

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Only a few minutes had passed before Forth was pulling up in front of Phana's and Wayo's apartment building. Yo opened the door, got out the car and immediately went to the other side to help Phana get out.

"Do you need me to help you get up to your room?" Forth asked as he hung his arm out the window.

"No, I'm okay. Thank you Ai'Forth."

Forth nodded and watched as Yo flung Phana's arm back over his shoulders and they began to walk slowly to the building entrance. Yo was so much shorter than Phana and seemed to be struggling to carry him and the duffel bag at the same time, but the look of determination on his face was prominent. Forth watched until they were safely inside then drove off.

When they got in, Yo was grateful to see someone sitting at the front desk. He helped Phana limp over then asked the woman, "Excuse me, miss. My friend has hurt himself and is having trouble walking. Is it alright if we take the service elevator?"

The girl at the desk looked from Wayo to Phana and her eyes immediately lit up as a dreamy expression took ahold of her face.

"You're Phana Kongthanin, the campus moon." She cooed. Phana looked uncomfortable as he gave a slight smile and waved a little. Yo looked at the girl, annoyed.

"Yes. And he needs to use the elevator." He said, louder this time.

"How did you hurt yourself?" She asked, completely ignoring Wayo.

"Playing basketball." Phana said flatly.

"And you walked all the way here? You are so. brave." She said dreamily and rested her hand in her chin as she openly stared at Phana. Yo rolled his eyes and sighed in exasperation. He shifted Phana's weight on him and tried to adjust the duffel bag as he cleared his throat loudly.

"Miss! We need the elevator, please." He was really trying not to be blatantly disrespectful and shout at her but now was not the time to be drooling over Phana.

"Oh! Of course. Please follow me." She smiled at Phana and beckoned them to follow her. She led them toward a back hallway and they followed her all the way to the last door. It was a small elevator that was very old and very noisy when it finally arrived.

"What floor?"

"Floor four." Yo answered.

She pressed the fourth-floor button then scanned her badge. Yo was expecting her to leave after she brought them to the elevator but she stayed and rode up with them to the fourth floor.

Yo leaned against the elevator wall for support and Phana leaned against him. He was holding his foot up so he wouldn't put any pressure on it. The girl was standing against the other wall openly staring at Phana again with a strange dream-like smile on her face. Phana shifted and Yo tried to position him in a spot that wouldn't hurt him. They both paused and slowly looked over at the girl.

Still staring. Still smiling.

Phana blinked a couple times and cleared his throat uncomfortably. Yo glared at her before finally looking away. When the elevator dinged to state its arrival, all three made a move to exit. When the girl started to exit with them, Yo had had enough and spoke up.

"It's okay, P'! We'll take it from here. Thank you." He said rather loudly.

The girl looked disappointed as he and Phana tried their best to make a hasty exit.

When they finally made it to Phana's room, Phana eased his way to the edge of his bed and Yo collapsed in the desk chair as he dropped the duffel bag. It was truly a workout half-carrying someone that was almost twice your size!

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