30. I Spy (part 1)

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[Author's Note]:Hello my lovely readers!

I have finally gotten settled in my new country and am happy to get back to writing! Thank you so much for being so patient with this next update. I work full time now so I don't have as much time as before for writing but no worries, this story will get finished! ^_^

Please enjoy this next update and I will try my best to update every week.

It's been a while since my last update so here is a recap so far: Phana has finally confessed to Yo about how he feels and Yo got upset and ran away. How dare Phana be such a jerk all these years when he has been in love with him this whole time!? So now Yo is trying to avoid Phana.

But then Yo agrees to go out to dinner with a new guy named Sujin to try and get Phana out his head. Ming tries to warn him but he doesn't listen. While he is out to dinner with Sujin, Phana and the rest of the Med Gang show up at the same restaurant. Yo gets extremely uncomfortable and asks Sujin to take him home.

Before leaving, Phana tries to talk to Yo once again, but Yo still isn't ready to talk and chooses to ignore him. Will Phana keep trying or finally leave him alone?


Chapter 30 - I Spy (part 1)

Phana yawned as he sat in his class. His eyelids were so heavy from lack of sleep and he had no idea what his professor was even saying. His ears didn't seem to want to work anymore. Can you be so sleepy that you're ears turn off?

The reason he was so sleepy was because he couldn't stop thinking about Yo. Yo and his big, brown eyes. Yo and his cute little nose. Yo and his sweet, pink lips. Yo out to eat with that guy. Who was that guy anyway??

Phana had actually jumped on Facebook and searched for hours trying to find out who he was and what he wanted with Yo, but he couldn't find much of anything. It was almost as if the guy didn't even have any social media accounts.

"Hey Ai'Pha....Pha!"

Phana jumped and looked up to see Beam and Kit standing over him. He looked around the classroom in surprise and saw that students were leaving. Their professor was actually already gone.

"Class is over, Boss. Let's get out of here." Beam said to him.

Phana had never bothered to take notes so all he had to do was pick up his bag and follow his friends out the door. When they got into the hallway, Phana yawned again.

"Why so tired?" Beam asked as he watched him.

"Didn't get much sleep last night."

Beam and Kit exchanged looks with each other.

"So have you figured out how you're gonna win him over?" Kit asked him.

"How can I? He's already dating someone else." Phana frowned as he quickened his pace.

"What if you're jumping to conclusions? It might not have been a date." Beam said. He wanted to believe it wasn't a date, but he couldn't deny what he saw. It sure looked like one.

"Who was that guy anyway?" Phana asked grumpily.

Kit shrugged. "He has a familiar face, but I don't think I have actually seen him before."

Beam shrugged too. "I don't know who he is. He's definitely not in the school of medicine."

All three boys walked outside and stopped in front of the doors. The heat of the day greeted them heavily.

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