12. Four Eyes

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"A dance routine? First the video intros, and now a dance routine? Can this get any worse? I can't dance!" Yo complained as he and Ming walked to the building where all the contestants would be practicing.

"It's not like we're going to be out there break dancing or anything like that. P'Forth told me that it's just something cute as an opening for the pageant."

"But I'm clumsy, Ai'Ming. Why do you think I never played any sports?"

"Ai'Yo. Relax. You really put too much pressure on yourself."

Yo frowned and poked his lips out. Ming gave him a nudge.

"Don't be like that. You asked me to teach you how to be more confident in yourself. Well first off, you can't let the things you can't control bother you so much. Just roll with the punches. We're all going to be going through it. You think you're the only one here that can't dance?"

Wayo sighed and gave in. Ming was right. He was only making himself more upset about the whole thing.

"There was something else I forgot to tell you." Yo changed the subject.

"What's up?"

"Remember when I told you that you-know-who gave me some encouragement?"

Ming raised his eyebrows at the fact that Yo wouldn't say his name, but he still nodded his head.

"That's not the only thing he did...he also bought me a pink milk at the canteen the day before yesterday."

Ming stopped walking as he gave Yo a confused look and Yo ran into him.

"You mean, he personally bought it and gave it to you?"

"Not like that. I ran into him in the canteen and when I ran away from him, I went to go buy a pink milk. The lady at the stall handed me one and told me it was from him."

They began walking again and as they were walking up some steps in the middle of campus, Yo tripped over the next step and Ming had to catch his arm before he crashed to the ground.

"And it wasn't a mistake? She didn't have the wrong guy?"

"No. She knew my name and everything. He had walked away already, but when I looked over at him, he was watching me."

"I wonder what he could want." Ming thought aloud.

"He wants me to lose the competition!" Yo shouted as he tripped over something else and crashed into Ming.

"What the heck is wrong with you, Ai'Yo??" Ming said, shoving Yo off of him.

"Nothing..." Yo said guiltily. He hung his head and tried to walk away. Ming grabbed his arm and dragged him back to face him, but he continued to hang his head.

"Look at me." Ming demanded. Yo shook his head like a disobedient child.

"Look at me!"

Yo slowly raised his head and Ming leaned closer to examine his eyes.

"Aye! Where the heck are your contacts! You can't see a thing without them."

"They fell into the toilet." Yo mumbled under his breath.

He had been rushing that morning so that he could get out of his apartment on time. As he was hurrying to wash his face, he reached to grab his towel, but in his haste, he ended up knocking his open contacts container off the side of the sink. One landed on the ground (he still couldn't find this one) and the other flew straight into the toilet.

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