43. Flip the Script

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Yo sat at his library table staring at his textbook. There was no use in trying to read anymore; his mind was too occupied at the moment. Ming was next to him chattering away about something Yo wasn't even sure about because he couldn't bring himself to listen. He checked his phone again for what seemed like the millionth time, hoping to see Phana's name on the screen but Phana had not texted or called.

I wonder what he's doing right now...should I call him first? I was the one that basically accused him of cheating. He probably still doesn't want to talk to me. Shia!

His thoughts were never ending and he wanted them to stop. More than anything he just wanted to talk to Phana again.

"Ai'Yo, you weren't listening to a word I said!" Ming huffed. Yo sat up straight and turned his attention to his best friend.

"Sorry, Ming. I'm just really tired right now."

Ming sighed and looked at Yo. "Tired? Or sad? Because those are two different things, you know." He said in a calmer voice. There was a moment of silence between them and Ming could see that Yo was thinking of what to say.

"I should have never accused him, Ming. He was so happy to see me that night and I ruined it."

"Maybe you could have asked him in a different way, but I still say you did nothing wrong. You can only know the truth by asking, right?"

"You're right. I should have asked in a different way. 'Am I your only wife?' What the heck was I even thinking?"

"Yo," Ming placed a hand on Yo's shoulder. "Stop beating yourself up over this. Every couple goes through problems in their relationship."

Yo looked up at Ming with hope in his eyes. "You mean, you and P'Kit go through issues too?"

"Of course! There are rumors about us too. But we are honest with each other so they don't bother us too much." Ming turned back to his papers. "But we started off pretty rocky just like you and P'Pha."

Yo nodded then grabbed his phone again, checking to see if he had any missed messages.

"Constantly checking your phone is not going to get him to call you any faster. Why don't you make the first move?" Ming raised his eyebrow, clearly challenging his friend. Yo was always fearful of making the first move but in this case, he needed to do so.

"Do you think he will answer?" Worry laced through Yo's voice.

"I know he'll answer...if his stupid phone isn't dead."

Yo stared at his phone and was about to open a new text message when someone called his name.

"Excuse me, Nong'Wayo?"

Yo and Ming looked up and were shocked to see the beautiful Pring standing right in front of them.

"Well I'll be damned. Look what the cat dragged in." Ming said sarcastically. Pring ignored him and turned her attention to Yo.

"Sawatdee ka, Nong. Do you have a moment to talk?" She asked nicely.

Yo looked at her, then at Ming, then back to her. He really didn't want to talk to her. What he really wanted to tell her was to stay away from Phana but he couldn't do that. Did she even know they were officially together?

Ming jumped in at Yo's hesitation. "We are studying right now, Jai'Pring. Could you make it quick?"

"Can we step outside and talk?" She asked.

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