37. Rumors

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Yo was sound asleep in his bed as the sun shone through his window, making his long eyelashes cast shadows on the upper parts of his cheeks. His professor for class that morning had emailed everyone the night before, canceling it. Yo was grateful because that meant he could sleep in. But his sleep was ruined when there was a vicious banging on his door.

"Ai'Yo!!" *Bang!* *Bang!* Bang!*

Yo leapt up so fast he became tangled in his bed sheets and went crashing off the side of the bed. What the hell is going on??

"Wayo open the door! Yo!"

That was Ming's voice. He had gotten back from his trip late last night but Yo had fallen asleep before he could tell him all about the night at the carnival. Yo had a boyfriend now and his name was Phana Kongthanin. Ming would scream.

"Wayo! Are you in there?"

Yo sucked his teeth and tossed his covers off of him. What the heck was wrong with Ming? And what time was it?

Yo looked at his clock and it read 8:00am. Leave it to my best friend to wake me up when I don't have class to go to.

"What's the matter with you??" Yo yelled as he threw the door open. Ming barged his way in waving his phone around.

"This!" He shoved his phone at Yo. "How could you not tell me that you and last year's campus Moon are lovers now??"

"What...?" Yo took the phone and looked at the photo that Ming had up on his phone. It was two photos pasted together of him and Phana at the carnival. The first photo was of Phana handing the large bear to him over the fence at the basketball court. The second photo was of them walking together, Yo holding the bear, and Phana with his arm over Yo's shoulders.

Yo tried to rub the sleep out his eyes. "Who...who took these pictures?"

"Who cares? Why didn't you tell me that you and P'Pha are dating now??" Ming asked, impatiently.

"Well...because it just happened. I was going to tell you last night but I fell asleep."

"You fell asleep? The man you have been in love with since 9th grade is finally your boyfriend and you fell asleep?"

"Ming, stop shouting."

"Unbelievable." Ming tossed his hands in the air and went to plop down in Yo's chair by the desk.

"How can you be in so much shock? You haven't been telling me your whole life either."

"I tell you everything!"

"Oh really? Who's been having your attention lately, Ai'Ming? Who have you been texting so much that makes you smile at your phone?" Yo fired his questions at him and Ming immediately went silent.

"Oh, see...I was going to tell you about that."

"Sure you were."

"I was! I just wanted to make sure everything was right. You know how I felt after Pang and I broke up."

"Oh, jeez, don't tell me you're back with that brat!?"

"Of course not!"

"But I haven't seen you around any new girls."

Ming tried to hide his embarrassed expression as he fiddled with the strings on his pants.

"It's not a girl..."

Yo's eyes grew wide. No. Way.

"It's P'Kit."

There was a moment of silence before Yo let out a scream that could wake the whole floor and ran over to his friend, grabbing him by the arms.

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