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ethan's pov

Everywhere I turned there was a cobweb. The stairs made a creak every time I stepped down. The only light was a lantern in my hand and some light coming from a couple windows other than that it was pitch black. I could hear someone pacing and growling as I inched closer to the room the wolf was in. I put on a brave face and walked over the room. The bars the only thing protecting me from the now human wolf. His eyes were those still piercing blue, his hair brown with a couple honey highlights. It was styled to a quiff but was being pulled by the pissed wolf.

I couldn't move, the man was so handsome. His arm muscles stretching as he pulled his hair, trying to figure a way out of his mess. He definitely had a six-pack as the huge ab muscles protruded from his chest as he breathed in and out. He didn't have a beard but you could see a little stubble from not shaving. As my eyes trailed down his body, as I soon realized he wasn't wearing pants. I quickly brought my eyes back up to find him staring at me.

"If wouldn't mind, could you give me pants. I seem to not have any on." His voice was raspy but manly. I quickly blushed and asked the guard behind me if he could grab some shorts. He came flying back with what I asked for. "Here," I maneuvered my hand through the bars as he snatched the shorts from my hand and pulled them on. "Thank you." I nodded and pulled up a chair tired from standing any longer.

"If you don't mind me asking why did you come across the border?" He looked up and met my eyes before answering. "For me to know and you to find out." He turned back around and sat criss-cross applesauce on the floor. "Oh?" He turned around his eyes locked on mine, "Yeah. Oh?" He mocked laughing at his own joke. I rolled my eyes and sat there looking more at all of his features as he kept busy looking at a blade of grass.

Most werewolves from my knowledge liked to play games with you. They liked to tease and make fun of you, part of their playful nature. Although they were sweethearts when they wanted they were ruthless killers most of the time. But I only heard that from my teachers growing which I never listened to, only when it came to the subject of werewolves and sex.

"What's your name?" I asked trying to spike a conversation with the wolf. "Grayson. I won't give you my last name." He answered rather quickly. Why wouldn't he give me his last name? "And why can't I know your last name?" He smirked and laughed. "What's so funny?" He kept laughing ignoring me completely. I was pissed off that he was laughing. Was he laughing at me or?

I got up from my chair ready to walk out as his laughter stopped. "Okay, okay sorry don't mean to get you upset. Hey, besides you look cute when you're mad." He said behind me as I stopped dead in my tracks. Cute? He thinks I'm cute? I turned back around and walked back to the chair. "I won't give you my last name, because you might know me and that's very bad. I would like you to know me for me not what my last name brings to the plate." He said finishing my question from before.

"So if I know your last name, I'll hate you?" He nodded, "Well maybe more than hate." I nodded. "I gave you my name. Care to give me yours?" Should I give him my first and last name or just my first? I thought about it for a minute and could see Grayson getting impatient waiting for an answer to his simple question, although it wasn't that simple. If I gave him my first and last name he would probably know I was a prince going to be king. Or if I gave him my first he would ask for my last. I decided on telling him my first. "Ethan." He nodded not asking for my last.


I was laying in bed, I had left Grayson after telling him my name. He was so, so, I mean he is so many things he is, it's hard to explain. He could snap your neck in one bite, and make you smile with his annoying but beautiful laugh. I could stare into his eyes for hours. I didn't notice until he'd turned around but he had giant scars on his back. Claw marks. They didn't look like werewolves but they definitely looked like vampires. I didn't ask but I would soon enough.

"Ethan! It's dinner!" My little sister's head popped into my cracked door smiling, her little fangs extended to drink the blood of the victim. I got up slowly walking to my bed to pull on an old shirt because I knew I was going to get blood all over me. I'm a very messy eater. Or drinker. We kind of do both. I tossed the dumb thought out of my head and opened my door as I stepped outside, walking to the marble staircase. I descended down the white stairs making my way down the hallway to the dining room.

My parents were at the head of the football field table than me and my sister across from each other. Then Cameron, his dad and the rest of his family. A couple advisers. The doctors. Pretty much everyone who lived in the castle. "Dinner is served." All the cooks brought over our meals. Every night I'd eat a chicken, a cow leg and a piece of bloody cake. There are no humans remotely close to us so we use animal blood most of the time. If a vampire bit a human they would get killed, from a disease that only makes vampires sick. That's why we couldn't drink human blood. So it was good they weren't close to us.

I had finished early and excused myself from the table. I don't eat of the bones from the chicken or the cow leg I only drink the blood. Maybe Grayson would want my leftovers? I know they wouldn't give him food so this was better than nothing. My father was skeptical that I was shoving bones in my pants but he let it slide as one of the advisors started up a conversation of god knows what. I would only have to deal with that when I needed to.

I opened up the dungeon door. And grabbed a lantern from the wall. I made my way down the stairs a little faster than before. Anxious to see what Grayson was doing. I sped walked down the hall and made it to his cell. He was awake and surprised I was there as he was probably expecting someone else. "What do we have here?" He sniffed the air. "I brought you some things. I thought you'd probably be hungry."  "I have a weird feeling these 'some things' might be poisoned but they smell too good to resist." I hit my hand across my heart, "And why would I poison these bones?" I pulled out the bones as Grayson's head shot up whimpering and his mouth drooling with want. "Okay now sit."

He sat in a dog like potion whimpering more as buckets of drool poured from his mouth. "Awww who's a good boy." I moved the bones back and forth watching his once cold eyes turn to want and hunger. I threw him the bones as he jumped and caught them in his mouth. Swallowing in one bite. He wiped the back of his hand across his mouth to find a little blood.

I was a laughing mess as Grayson came back to Grayson. "You were so cute!" he rolled his eyes, "Sorry about that. I got a little 'out of character' for a second there." He blushed. I had never seen him blush, he was usually in a stone cold killer state.But it was nice to see another side of him that I probably wouldn't see again. I laughed a little more, him joining in as we locked as for a second but coughed and looked the other way. "I'll see you tomorrow Grayson." He nodded. I slowly made my way to the stairs but heard a faint. "See you tomorrow to Ethan."

The Border of Love and Death (Grethan)Where stories live. Discover now