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third person's pov 

Ethan and Grayson had finally made it to the oak tree. Grayson somewhat remembered the tree from his dream. But he didn't know why Ethan would bring him here. Ethan bent over holding his knees as he tried to catch his breath. Grayson was still in his wolf form as he flopped down by the huge roots of the tree.

Ethan turned his head, smiling as Grayson's wolf stuck it's tongue out as it breathed erratically. He slowly walked over and sat criss-cross applesauce in front of his huge head. He brought up his hand and patted his head. 

Grayson's wolf tried to somewhat smile as it earned a laugh from Ethan. He moved his head over and licked his cheek. "Hey!" Ethan laughed as Grayson licked him again. Ethan cheek now all wet and sticky.

Ethan leaned his back onto Grayson's fluffy stomach. He suddenly got up as Grayson changed back into his normal self. Ethan smiled happily to his face again. Grayson smiled back, Ethan jumping in his arms for a massive huge. 

Grayson rubbed Ethan's back as he started to cry. "Grayson," he sniffled, "What are we going to do?" Grayson didn't know. If they went back to Geraldine, Alexander would for sure kill them. And if they went to Silverhaven Jasper would be pissed that Ethan is alive. So they were pretty much homeless for the time being.

"I don't know Ethan. But if we do anything I want it to be with you." Grayson wiped Ethan's tears from his eyes as he hugged him tighter. 

When the release happened it was mid-morning and now it was now becoming night. Ethan hasn't had anything to eat since this morning and Grayson nothing since Ethan gave him those bones a day ago. They are teenagers in an unfamiliar place and are clueless. Grayson knows how to hunt but he doesn't smell any prey nearby.

The only that's eating away at them is that they are mates. Neither of them has brought it up, not even in the open air only their own minds. Grayson knows he should say something but is it right to bring it up in a situation like this? Would Ethan even be ready to connect the bond? 

"Ethan?" Grayson had to say something, "We need to talk about something." Ethan turned his head meeting Grayson's glance, he knew exactly what they need to talk about as it's eating away at him too. 

"Yes, we do." Ethan breathed in before he continued on, "We're mates." It felt great to finally get out in the open for Ethan but Grayson still had to tell him about him. Being the knew Alpha soon, that his last name is Raft and why he came over the border and that he's a submissive even though he looks so dominant. 

"Yes, we're mates. Are you okay with that?" Grayson questioned. 

"Why wouldn't I be? I always knew that we had some kind of thing but I didn't know that we would be mates." Ethan chuckled. Grayson nodded, he didn't even think that he and Ethan are mates. It's mind-blowing if you think about it. 

Now Grayson had to tell Ethan the ugly truth about him. And he was very scared that Ethan would be mad and want to leave him. But even if he is mad Grayson knows that Ethan would still like him the same. 

"Remeber when we first introduced each other and I never told you my last name?" Grayson asked, Ethan, nodded, "Yeah I remember." Grayson took a deep breath before he continued, "Well I'm going to tell you my last name right now. Because I don't think it's right for people to keep secrets. " Ethan was surprised that Grayson would say something like this but he agreed. "Okay, tell me."

"Raft, Grayson Raft." Grayson breathed out. Ethan's eyes enlarged when he realized that Grayson is Grayson Raft, the Alpha of the werewolf pack over the border. "You're who?!" Ethan's heart was racing at this point, he couldn't believe that an Alpha is his mate. 

"I know what your thinking Ethan. Calm down and I'll tell you why I'm here." Grayson grabbed Ethan's hand pulling him back down to the ground. "Okay," Grayson looked Ethan in the eyes still holding his sweating hand in his.

"I'm Grayson Raft, soon to be Alpha. I came here on a mission to kill you. Which I definitely won't be doing now." Ethan gave him a face saying 'no times for jokes!' Grayson got the message and continued, "I don't know why I was sent here by my dad who's the Alpha now to kill you." 

Ethan was speechless, Grayson was going to kill him! What if he never got caught would he have killed him? Ethan had to know! "If you never got caught...would you have killed me?" Grayson looked up at Ethan, "Are you kidding me? I could never kill you? Look at yourself!" Ethan tried to hold back a blush but it almost impossible. 

"Thank you." Grayson nodded and smiled. He was too tired to even think of eating at the moment. Ethan was on the same boat. He scootched himself over where Grayson was laying and moved his back to Grayson's stomach. He felt warm hands wrap around his stomach as they were pulled into darkness and drifted off to sleep.


authors note:

hey, huns! sorry about not posting yesterday i had some family matters i had to deal with but anyway back to what this authors note is about! I can almost hear the people that dont think that grayson is a dom which he isnt this bitch just didnt want to believe it in her last book. anywhore, i am making this note for a reason. grayson will not be the dom in this story he will be a submissive he doesnt fuck he suck. but he was a little dom in this chapter you could say, comforting ethan when he needed it. but after this point on im pretty sure of it, ethan will be the daddy and grayson the baby boy we all know he is!

peace out huns and i'll see ya in the next chapter!

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