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ethan's pov

"Slow down Jesus Grayson." I could barely get out as Grayson was riding my dick like a fucking pro. He moved his hips back and forth while his mouth was hanging open and sweat was trickling down his face and neck.

My mark still fresh on the side of his. It was Grayson's turn to mark me as we were too tired to continue last night. Although morning sex was never good Grayson came up with the idea so it was easy access to my neck to mark me.

"Fuck Ethan!" My dick skidded over Grayson's prostate as he moved his hips faster to get the same feeling back. It was almost in a flash but before I knew it, Grayson was biting my neck. Euphoria flooded my senses as the toxins flooded my system.

He pulled back with a little blood on the bottom of his lip. He gave me a wicked smile and looked down to see his cum all over my stomach and pooling in my belly button. His face flushed red as a sweet red tomato as I lifted my chin to look at him in the eyes.

His beautiful hazel eyes stared back at me as my door was suddenly opened without permission. Grayson pulled the sheets over us but it was too late as an unexpected visitor was standing in my room was a shocked look on his face.

"Aaron! What the fuck are you doing in here?!" Grayson's face was that of 'I am going to fucking murder you.' The so-called Aaron stood there in shock his hand shaking as his eyes went from me to Grayson who was still sitting on my now soft dick and the cum inside him nasty.

 "You h-have to c-come back t-t-to SilverHaven. You must complete a ceremony that will deem you Alpha since your father's death." Aaron stuttered out as he kept his attention on the floor. "Thank you, Aaron. Now if you excuse me, please leave so my mate and I can get dressed."

Aaron looked up at the word mate and by his face, he was not happy. He stomped out of the room and slammed the door, a huge boom filling the silent castle. 

Grayson rolled his eyes and he dropped the sheet and got off of me. "Come on, let's take a shower." He looked back at me as he entered the bathroom and I rolled off the bed and followed.

The water was already running and the mirror fogy as I walked into the steamy bathroom. Grayson was humming a tune I didn't know and he scrubbed his body with a sponge. I had no clothes on as I walked into the shower and wrapped my arms around Grayson who was an inch or two smaller than me. 

"Holy shit, you scared me E." Grayson smiled and I just grinned. "Did you know anything about that Alpha ceremony?" I asked as Grayson seemed confused the whole time Aaron was talking. He shook his head 'no' "I had no idea. My dad didn't tell me anything about it. I think I just have to drink this punch and recite some words and the Moon Goddess will deem me Alpha or not."

"Moon Goddess? Who is she?" High school really didn't teach me much of anything about the werewolf culture. "Well, she looks after all the wolves, in every pack around the world. She makes sure everything is running smoothly with each pack to make sure she talks to the Oracles who give us the information.

"I've only talked to her once but that was when my mother passed and I was so lost that I needed guidance so she let me talk to my mother. It helped a lot. I finally found myself and believed in myself." A tear rolled down his face but was soon washed away from the warmish water. 

"Let's get out of here. The waters getting cold." I took the body wash and squirted it onto the sponge and washed everything before the water was freezing. Grayson had jumped out and grabbed a towel from the rack and dried himself as I followed a minute later. 

"Should we bring stuff or just go?" I had never been out of Geraldine, and I was going to SilverHaven a kingdom full of werewolves. "No. I have plenty of clothes."Grayson smiled as he pulled out a black t-shirt, blue boxers, and black shorts.

I walked over to my closet and grabbed a grey tank top, black boxers, and black shorts. Grayson was waiting at the door as I turned around. His face a smile as I gave a bigger one back. "Ready to go luv?" I smiled and interlocked our fingers together as we opened the door. 

We walked down the stairs to be met by Grayson's now pack, Aaron, Lainey, and Cameron? What did Cameron want? He better not want to come. I don't want to deal with his bullshit this early in the morning.

"Alpha-" "Not yet." Aaron interjected, "He still has the ceremony to complete." I didn't know much about this guy but was he always this bitchy? The wolf rolled his eyes and looked up at Grayson who looked clueless as what to say next. 

"Well, let's get this show on the road." I laughed trying to brighten the already weird ass mood. Cameron snorted and Lainey rolled her eyes crossing her arms. The wolves didn't look too pleased but just nodded. 

"Let's move out." Grayson's voice boomed almost like if you didn't follow his lead you'd be left behind. Grayson looked at me as his voice came across my brain, another thing we gained from mating. 

I'm going to talk to the pack and Aaron how about you talk to Lainey and that other vampire-


Yes, Cameron. I have to talk to the pack about a couple things about my father and everything but you're more than welcome to talk through the link.

I understand. Take all the time you need. Now go get 'um! I love you.

Grayson smiled as he reached up and pulled our faces together as our lips smashed together in a perfect sync.

I pulled back unexpectedly as my mother crossed my mind. When I looked over Grayson's shoulder she was standing there, my father's blood still on her shirt. "Guards!" I yelled as three men came rushing over. "Put my mother in the dungeon and when I get back I'll decide her sentence." The words felt nice coming from my mouth as I was now the King of Geraldine. 

She seemed shocked as the men came over and locked her hands behind her back as they walked her down the steep steps I once walked to see Grayson. "You sounded really sexy there." Grayson cute voice came from behind me as I turned with a smirk on my face. 

"Not now you horny dog." Grayson laughed as I realized what I had said, "Not now you too. Save it for the bedroom." Lainey patted my shoulder and pushed me forward as we exited the castle and started our way to SilverHaven.

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