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grayson's pov

"Do you Grayson Dolan, take full responsibility for the SilverHaven Pack?" I knew I'd be here one day saying these words to Nate, my oracle before he would wish me away to the Moon Goddess to make the final decision. I was scared as fuck, thinking I'd mess up or say the wrong words. But having Ethan next to me was calming my beating out of my chest heart. 

"I do." Nate nodded, "Very well then." Now it was time. "Now you know what's next hopefully. But I'll explain. You will now lay on your back," I did as told and laid on my back. The moist ground hitting my exposed back. My white shorts now green from grass stains. "I'll say a spell that will connect you to Her and you will back hopefully as an Alpha and your wolf will be black."

And he began. The words coming out of his mouth gibberish. Ethan's calm eyes watching from a couple feet. I gave him a small smile before I felt Nate's pointer finger on my forehead and I was gone from our world and into the Heavens.

I was still on my back. My eyes searching for Her or any life. The baby blue waterfall was a couple feet away as the water trickled down into a little pond. The grass greener than green and the sky white. It was not what I pictured. It was better. 

"Welcome, Grayson. Good to see you again. I've been waiting to see you. Although not this soon.
" I could feel Her presence. Her voice beautiful exactly like the last time I saw her. I slowly lifted myself up to finally see Her. She was in an all-white dress her blond hair to her chest. Her piercing blue eyes were watching my every move.

"It is very good to see you again, Lucy. I've missed you." Her teeth white as snow as she smiled. A cute little blush rose across Her face. "Awww, Gray." She smiled again before another presence, a much stronger presence the one I was here for arrived. "Is she annoying you, Grayson?" I gave a little chuckle. "Not like she used too." Lucy was my guardian angel in one way or another. Her mother or creator was the Moon Goddess. 

"I see you've become a strong man. A good one. I knew you would make a wonderful Alpha. And here you are. I don't need to make a huge speech but do me one favor child of mine." I looked at Her the real Her. Her eyes swirling purple as her dress the same color. "Yes?" What could she want? "Take care of him. All day every day. He needs you more than you think. And you need him more than you think.

"You will love until you can't anymore. Which won't be for a long time. I promise you." Him? Ethan? Of course. "Thank you for giving me him. I couldn't do anything I've done so far without him." She smiled as white as Lucy's. "I know child. I know. After your mother and now father you need someone to love you as much as you love them." "I can't thank you enough." She nodded as I felt like I was returning back to the main world. Back to my Ethan.

"I now pronounce you Alpha. May you take care of your Mate, and pack. And always, always, love. Even if want to take a bath in their blood. Take care, Grayson. And there is a surprise in store for you in the mid-future child." Before I could respond I was back on the wet grass in SilverHaven. I opened my eyes as I sat up coughing. 

The heat of Ethan next to me as I breathed in the cold air. I didn't feel different at all. The only change was I was in charge of a whole pack and my wolf now black like the night. I turned my head to meet Ethan's eyes. They were full of fear, "I'm here." I stroked his cheek as his face heated up. "And I'm not going anywhere." 


authors note:

so yeah .there are a couple surprises in the next chapters. but sadly there are only four more chapters including the epilogue left in this book. yes I know it was somewhat short .but the next book is coming sooner than you think and I'm very excited because I don't believe anyone has written it yet. 

see you in the next chapter!

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