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ethan's pov

"Wait. So, a werewolf is your mate? And a guy as well?" Cameron asked in disbelief, "So? The heart wants what it wants. Even if Grayson's male and a werewolf Ethan is still going to love him the same. Nothing changes that." Lainey interjected done with Camerons shit and I was right behind her.

Grayson was in a knee-deep conversation with his pack. I didn't mind one bit and I would talk to him through the mind link if I just wanted to hear his voice. I could feel his warmth and hear his heartbeat. It was soothing thump-thump-thump that I could fall asleep too.

We were halfway and have been walking for about an hour and a half. My legs weren't tired but I was hungry and so very thirsty. I haven't eaten or drank anything in two days and it was catching up to me every step I took. I'd have to eat and or drink something and soon before I passed out.

We continued to trudge on, Grayson would check up on me making sure I was okay and vice versa. My stomach was growling and doing somersaults from lack of food and water. I could feel myself getting weaker by the minute and my eyes shutting as I pulled them open as we were at least a mile away from our destination.

But I didn't make it as my knees gave out and my head hit the ground and I was out like a light. 


I woke up in a very comfortable bed with Lainey sitting in a chair reading what looked like a textbook in her hand her eyes scanning the pages. Cameron was nowhere to be found and I was happy to get a break from his mouth. Grayson was sitting in another chair legs crossed as he looked out the window. 

He must have felt my gaze and he turned his head as a huge smile appeared on his beautiful face. "You're awake!" He smiled as he climbed into bed and snuggled up close. His body heat felt nice. He rubbed my arm creating goosebumps as I shivered with delight. 

Lainey looked up from the book and smiled. "Wow, you didn't die. Congrats bro. I'll be downstairs." She folded the page of the book she was on and picked herself up from the wooden chair. She left and shut the door behind her as she left Grayson and me in the bed.

"Welcome home." Grayson smiled, "This is my room. And you're in my house." I lazily smiled as Grayson's body heat was warming me up. I yawned. "The ceremony's tomorrow. But not until dark- you seem tired."  I nodded and yawned again. "I am." Were the last words I could get out before I drifted into a comforting slumber.


author's note: 

I knew this was going to happen but didn't realize until a couple chapters ago. Ethan and Grayson have both very dominant characteristics cause of the characters they play in this book. I knew all along that Ethan would be dominant but when I realized that Grayson plays an Alpha who is very dominant that he will have dominant characteristics. It isn't a problem but just wanted to let you know that they are both dominant but Ethan is dominant in the bedroom ;) 

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