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third persons pov 

Ethan and Grayson looked up hearing Jasper's scream of pain as Alexander hit the ground. They were clueless as to everyone else to what was happening right in front of their eyes.

"Dad!" Ethan and Grayson screamed in unison as both their dads fell with pain in there now mended hearts.

Ethan rushed over to Alexander to see the knife through his heart and his mother above them with a sadistic smile. "What the fuck did you do to him?" All the hate for his father left his body, he was dead and his mother was the one who killed him.

Even though his father tortured him about everything and even his mate he was his father after all. He did raise him to become a wonderful King and a father one day. 

Grayson leaned over Jasper's body. His face white and his heart and soul bleeding. "Dad? Dad?! What's going on?! What's happening to you?!" Grayson's tears feel as his father was passing away from a broken heart.

Jasper's eyes rolled back inside of his head as he passed out from the pain of losing his mate.

"We need to get them back to the castle and fast!"


"I'm dying Grayson," Jasper whispered, "It's my time to go. Alexander's waiting for me." Jasper coughed and gave a weak smile. "You be good. Be a good Alpha. Be a good husband to your mate. Be a good father to your children who I know you'll have someday. And always be a good person." Grayson gave a weak smile as Ethan finally made it to his side to see a very weak Jasper.

"You take care of him you'hear." Jasper weakly looked up referring to Ethan. Who was tearing up as well. "Through thick and thin." Jasper smiled, "Don't make the same mistakes we did and always love each other no matter what life brings you." 

"I love you, dad." Grayson choked out a sob, "Never forget that." Jasper coughed again only this is only the last time.

"I love you too Grayson. Always. To that big ball of cheese out there and back." Grayson smiled as his father closed his eyes. "I'm ready now." 

Grayson and Ethan knew what to do now. If a mate died and the other mate was dying of a broken heart. They had to say 'I'm ready' and the people around them would lace their fingers together as their souls would run through there body to meet each other again in the afterlife.

Ethan grabbed Alexander's hand while Grayson grabbed Jasper's. They laced their hands together and stepped away as a burst of yellow light bloomed at their laced hands. And then it was gone in a flash.

Ethan put his hand on Grayson's shoulder as he didn't know how to comfort him at the moment.  He knew Grayson and Jasper were close but he didn't know how close.

Grayson wanted to be in Ethan's comfort he really did but this was the last time he'll ever see his very best friend again. He shook off Ethan's hand and ran out of the castle down the stairs changing into his wolf when he hit the ground. And ran off into the woods.

Ethan wanted to go but was held back. "No. He needs time E. Give him it." It was Lainey who didn't seem fazed at all at her father dying. "I don't know much about him but he loved his dad a lot. Give him a couple hours and go out after him okay?" Ethan just nodded and slumped his way up the stairs to his room listening to his little sister's advice.


4 hours later.....

Its been four hours and Ethan is ready to find Grayson. He needs to be in his comfort and be with him while he's in pain over the loss of his dad.

"I'm going out there. I'll be back with Grayson." Ethan didn't listen to anyone's pleads of "No not yet!" or "He still needs time!" He just left the castle with Grayson the only thing on his mind.

He caught a whiff of his scent and he knew exactly where he was. Although only being there once he still knew where to find that damn Oak tree.


authors note:

yeah so....Alexander and Jasper are chillin in heaven together if you needed a little reassurance that they would finally be together after all this time. next chapter will have a little surprise as the end! can't wait!

see you in the next chapter! love you!

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