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third persons pov 

"Hello, son. Did you miss me?"

Alexander's words stung Ethan's ears as he stood not even a foot away from. 

"Not even a hello?" Alexander asked again. Ethan opened his mouth to say something back but his eyes were fixed on Grayson who was on the ground with a knife through his stomach bleeding out and fast.

"Hello, Alexander," Jasper said trying to stand up without the help of his pack or the now unconscious Grayson. "Long time no see buddy!" Jasper joked sticking out a hand to Alexander who pulled him up from the ground.

"It has been a long time Jasper. Although I thought I'd see you again on your deathbed?" Alexander smirked as he gave a dry laugh Jasper laughing with him only to cough right after.

Alexander and Jasper were actually best friends long, long ago. Although it seems that they have hated each other since the moment the other was born. But after growing up and becoming King and Alpha their friendship was ripped out of their hands from their parents and was told to hate the other.

But what about the border? How were they, friends? Are questions you may be asking yourself.....

Before the border was made there was a secret passageway or hole connecting the two Kingdoms that no one knew about except Jasper and Alexander. They found about each other when their parents had meetings because they were the ones who made the border.

And would play together outside and would growl and hiss at each other if their parents saw them together, all of an act to please them. 

"Yeah, I thought that too." Jasper gave a little smile but it left his face when he realized what Alexander had done to his son. "Care to tell me why you just stabbed my son." Jasper hissed stealing a glace as his pack who knew they would attack if Alexander did something their Alpha.

"Don't you know already Jasper? Or has your son and my son not told you yet?" Alexander looked up to Ethan giving him a dirty look and smirk to an unconscious Grayson on the ground still bleeding out. 

"Hold on Grayson. Please hold on. Don't leave me yet." Ethan whispered as a tear fell down his face landing on the ground making a tiny wet spot. His hold on Lainey's hand tightening as he could see the blood flowing around Grayson's body.

"No, I don't Alexander. Why don't you fill me in." Jasper smirked giving a wink to a scared shitless Ethan. He knew about Grayson and Ethan as they told him but he wanted to know Alexander's point of view on the situation. 

"I'm surprised they didn't tell you Jas, I would've thought that Ethan would've told you about his little wolf." Alexander rolled his eyes like the words coming from his mouth were poison. He just wanted to get done with what he came here to do. Kill Ethan and Grayson so he didn't have to breathe the same air as them.

Jasper gave a questioning look to Alexander like he was very confused with what Alexander was saying. "There in a relationship?" Jasper finally put two in two together but it was all an act like he had no idea. "What's the problem with that Alex? Didn't you have a little crush on me when we were younger?" 

Ethan looked up from Grayson's almost lifeless body as he heard what Jasper had said to his father. Did he like Jasper? Is that why he hates people that like the same gender? But that doesn't make sense. Ethan thought everything roaming around his brain at ten thousand miles per hour.

"Why would you ever bring that up again Jasper?" Alexander hissed in a whisper into the Alpha's ear. "I told you to never bring it up again. We both said no and found our mates." Alexander looked up to see everyone's eyes on him except unconscious Grayson still on the ground.

"Yeah but you know that I was supposed to be your mate and you couldn't deal with the fact that a man was your mate and that he was a werewolf," Jasper said bringing up memories Alexander didn't want to remember but they flashed before his eyes.

"Jasper I can't!" Alexander screamed in the rain walking away leaving a young broken-hearted Jasper in the rain. He knew that rejecting his mate was hard but it was what he had to do. He could always find a new one but that would be the hardest thing to do.

"Yes, you can." Jasper grabbed his hand pulling him around to look at his face. "Fuck what your parents think Alexander. They don't get to rule over who you love." Jasper was right about two things that Alexander could love whoever he wanted and that his parents don't rule over who he could love. 

"I can't Jas. I can't. I know that I could love you. I do love you. With all my heart. But you know what they would do. They would kill us both. And I know we would be together forever. But we both have very very important destiny's to fulfill and offspring to have to take over for us when we die."

Jasper understood that. Alexander was right. They had big shoes to fill. Alexander a King and him an Alpha. 

"I have to go Jasper." Alexander chocked out a sob, his parents were looking for him and the storm was coming and fast. He turned around only to be pulled back by Jasper's strong hand.

"Wait, before you go." Jasper lifted up his wet chin. Looking directly into his hazel eyes and placing one last final kiss on his lips. "I love you. Always." Jasper's tears were covered by the rain. 

"Goodbye, Jasper. I love you." Alexander let go of his hand never to feel his touch again as the vampire ran back to Geraldine with a broken heart and never to find a love like that again.

Jasper still stood in the rain clutching his broken heart muttering, "Goodbye, Alexander. I'll love you. Always." Before running off into the storm.


authors note:

so yeah. 

see you in the next chapter! love you!

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