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grayson's pov

Am I leading him on? Ethan, I mean. I don't want to. I mean my mission was to come here and kill him and I always listen to my father's orders. That day when the dumb bloodsuckers were running after me to catch me, and I saw Ethan for the first time, it was like my world stopped. I had never seen a man probably my age so beautifully. He was running after me and my wolf wanted to play a game but I wanted to shift back and see him face to face.

Maybe I should've, but I finally did like ten minutes later. But if I changed back into my human form his parent's would know full well why I was here and who I am. I'm surprised they haven't come down to see me in this fucking dump. Only, Ethan. Which I gladly appreciate, besides I get a cute face to look out while I rot here and die. But I'll give him a run for his fangs first.

But first, let's take you back to how this really all began. Back in my hometown Silverhaven.

"Grayson Bailey Raft, get your ass down here." my father's week but stern voice woke me from my slumber, "Coming father." Most and I mean all wolves were to call him alpha but I stook to father or dad. I fumbled down the stairs, "You okay?" he asked, "Yeah, just tripped over my large ass feet. What can I help you with?" he thought for a moment, hand on his side. "I have a job for you, that well, I can't do as you know." I nodded and told him to keep going.

"Now, I know you haven't seen a vampire before, but you finally are. But it's not going to be pretty. Well maybe the vampire is, I don't really know your taste in men." I had told my dad years ago about me liking boys and he didn't mind. Although he tries to be a matchmaker and bring me and my best friend together Aaron. We are only friends and that's final. But I love that he at least tries.

"Okay..... what is this job?" I asked, intrigued. "You must cross the border. And kill the prince who is becoming the king soon." I nodded, but it wasn't like I was gonna be able to back out now. "It's a long journey Grayson, but you will be a strong alpha like me. So I don't worry too much about you." "I get everything I know from you dad." He smiled and brought me in for a hug. It was getting harder and harder every day to see him like this, all frail, no meat just bones and skin, pale as a ghost. I would never shed tears in front of him or anyone else. Just myself, in my room.

The rest of the day was pretty normal and itself. But what the more weird and new, was probably when Aaron kissed me. I didn't kiss back, which was probably rude but come on I don't like him like that. He apologized and ran into the forest and I didn't see him for the rest of the day. He probably has always had feelings for me but never told me so the best he could do was kiss me.

I went to bed that night with a shit ton on my mind. Aaron kissing me, my dad dying in front of my eyes, a mission to the border, and this so-called hot vampire I would run into. I was mostly thinking about the vampire. I had never seen one in my life and maybe the vampire had never seen a me before. Most likely. I had mostly learned about them when I was in school, but I more worried about my dad those years of my life.

What would they look like? Would they look really pale? Have beat red eyes? Fangs dripping in blood from there last meal? Slick black hair styled like Danny Zuko from Grease? Probably all those things, but my mind went wild when I thought about having sex with one. If that isn't the second thought you have about vampire's we can't be friends.

Would they bite your neck and try to hold on as their thrusts were animalistic? Would they accidentally nip your dick as they gave you a blow job? I mean maybe? I'll have to find out sooner or later.

I woke up the next morning bright and early. I went down the stairs to find my father and a few of his advisors. "Good morning Grayson. Are you ready for the day?" My father's beta, Frankie asked, "Oh yeah, as soon as I get some grub. I'll be more than ready." They all laughed and watched me eat, which wasn't weird at all. Yes, yes it was. "Showtime!" I jumped up from my seat, putting my used bowl in the sink.

"Good luck Grayson! Be safe." My father yelled from behind me, but my wolf was charging to the border with a license to kill. I had made it there in record timing but was soon seen, my wolf bit one vampire's neck and one came from behind but was kicked in the groin. When the first one bleed out I turned around and did the same to the other.

And well here I am now, sitting in a cage. With no one to talk to but myself, but maybe Ethan if he came down to say hello. And it's, of course, pitch black down here. I'm probably going to die here. I heard footstep in front of me, I looked up from my sitting position to see Ethan in front of me. "Hello, Grayson. How are you?" he asked pulling his chair close to the bars. "Could be better." I sneered, I could feel his heart rate quicken as might have some bond. I shook the thought out of my head and looked up to meet his eyes.

Hazel orbs of friggin greatness I might add. He was going to be a king, well maybe not. I don't think I could kill him. Sorry, dad, I'm falling head over heels for a blood-sucking vampire. Isn't that what every dad wants to here!

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