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ethan's pov

When I would talk to Grayson I wouldn't get much information. He would only tell me the answers to my questions and maybe a little werewolf action if I was lucky. Yet I was stilling falling in love, even if it was with a man I could never have. My parents think I'm as straight as a 12-inch ruler but I'm gayer than gay.

I found out when I was in middle school. I had a crush on this girl for the longest time, I think since second grade. I was dying to ask her out but then I realized I was already dead so what was the point. I never did, and well I found out I liked boys. I won't tell my parent's until I have to. I've had a couple "friends" over but they were just one night stands and that's it. Although it would be nice to get a boyfriend. It would be nice to have Grayson.

I could tell he was gay but I would never ask him, I'd just have to find out another way. I could maybe ask permission to read his mind, but then I would find out why he is here and his last name and if he likes me or boys. That's actually a good idea. Why didn't I think of that in the first place? Sometimes I can be so smart I'm dumb.

I jumped up from my bed and ran down the marble staircase to the dungeon door. Just to be stopped by the king himself. "And what are you doing, running around the house?" His stern king voice making me shiver. "Oh just going to see the fleabag, I have to ask him a couple more questions." He raised his brow at my statement. "Oh...Okay, do whatever you have to do. I'll see you at dinner." I nodded and opened the door.

I walked briskly down the stairs with a lantern in my hand. Grayson was sitting criss-cross applesauce on the floor, deep in thought. I must have brought him out as he looked up and met my eyes. I couldn't get past the barrier of his mind to his thoughts. Maybe, I couldn't even read his mind at all. But that would only happen if we were-

No, we couldn't be. I'm a vampire and he's a werewolf. There is no way. Grayson and I are mates? My heart quickened as Grayson looked weirded out or worried. "Are you okay? You look like you're going to fall on the floor." I tried to think of an excuse but found none. "Ethan?" he asked again. I didn't give an answer as I ran full speed out of the dungeon, up the stairs, out of the castle and to the woods.

When I was little I would come out to the woods and sit in a huge oak tree for hours, contemplating about life or whatever was on my mind at that moment. When I got to my middle and high school years, I would come out here to make out with boys or think about sex and how to do it. If I was a Dominant or a Submissive. And now after those years, think about a werewolf that I'm pretty sure is my mate. Grayson did give off strange vibes when we met, how he strode over to me to almost make sure I was okay. How we stared into each other's eyes for long-ass periods of time without moving.

One minute I want to kill him and then the next jump in the almost like cage with him and stare into his eyes for the rest of my life. I knew I would probably never get the reason why he was here, but my new thing to worry about was that I was bonded to a wolf and nobody else. After countless one night stands and a couple boyfriends here and there I had never felt the way I do when I'm with Grayson. I get a warmness in my body when I look at him. A shiver in my spine when my father talks about werewolves and how they only want to kill you.

But Grayson is different. Maybe he came here to kill someone, maybe even me. But I don't think he could now if he feel the way I do about him. I sat at my thinking tree for hours, until it got dark. "Ethan Grant Dolan get your ass back here!" My mother's voice boomed through the forest making all the birds fly from their nests into the sky.

I jumped down from the tree, running back to the castle to find my mother waiting for me in the doorway, "Were you at your thinking tree again?" I nodded, "Yeah, I had a lot on my mind. Had to go sort it out on my own." She nodded and opened the door more so we could walk inside. We walked to the dining room only to find my father there. "Ethan. Sit down please." He pointed his hand to a chair, I left my mother's side and walked to the chair. I turned and looked to see her but she was walking out of the room.

"Why is she leaving?" "We have something things to discuss that don't involve your mother." I nodded but worried as I wasn't in the comfort of my mother. I didn't have one on one talks with my dad only if I needed to or it was about me finding a woman to marry. "As you know there is a werewolf below us." I nodded, "Yes. Did he do something wrong?" I asked, "Well yes Ethan. He killed two vampires and crossed the border. You know full well he wasn't supposed to do that." "Yes, I do know that. What do you want to do?" I questioned.

"Well, I was thinking you could," he answered. My eyes went wide as I knew exactly what he was getting at. He wanted me to choose either let Grayson go or be killed. He probably wanted the other. Death. But from my time at the oak in the woods, Grayson is my mate and I had to do everything in my power to keep it that way. Alive.

The Border of Love and Death (Grethan)Where stories live. Discover now