I remember... Everyone but him.

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I open my eyes and look around the room I'm in. It looks like a hospital. Why am I in a hospital? I'm supposed to be in America.

"Sparks!" Nathan shouts, running up to me from the door of the room I'm in. I raise an eyebrow as he calls me by my nickname and hugs me tightly.

I look behind him, trying to get air from his tight grip and see Seth and Shane walk into the hospital room, hands in their pockets. A doctor follows behind.

"Why am I here?" I ask Nathan.

"You were in a plane crash," he answers. A plane crash? Oh my god. I survived. We crashed into the ocean I should have drowned. I should be dead.

The doctor comes up to me and I scan him. He looks pretty young. Probably about mid-twenties. He has dark brown hair and brown eyes. He's fit. Am I checking out a doctor? Well he might be single so.. No stop. He's a doctor.

But doctors are smart so mum and dad should love him. Snap out of it!

"I'll need to ask you a few questions," he says. I nod, unsure of what he's going to ask me.

"What year is it?" he questions.

"2011," I answer, raising an eyebrow. Does he not know or something? Maybe I should be the one asking him questions.

"What's your name?" he questions.

"Justin Timberlake!" I cheer. My brothers laugh and the doctor rolls his eyes and moves on to the next questions.

"How old are you?"

"Seventeen," I say. He nods and stops asking me any further questions. I roll my eyes as he turns to my brothers to talk. Am I sixteen? Am I really? Well.. I'm almost seventeen.

"What happened on that plane?" I ask them. All of the boys look at me including the doctor who sighs and looks down.

"There was a man named Kyle..." the doctor begins. Kyle saved me? Oh my god, I have to find his family. I told him I would tell them he loved them.

"He was damaged in the back of his head and spine. He took you out of the plane and brought you to shore. He swam for a long time. Injuries as bad as his needed to be treated within a certain amount of time. He passed away next to you," the doctor finishes.

He passed away next to me? Really? Well that makes me feel so much better. This doctor really tells people too much information.

"He saved my life," I blurt out. They all nod their heads and I let out a sigh. What about everyone else on the plane?

"You were the only survivor," Shane says. I look over to him and my eyes go wide. My parents were on that plane.

Well no duh.

Why must I have an annoying conscience.

Do you not love me anymore? I'm offended.

"Are parents are dead?" I ask. They all nod and I shrug. Why am I not sobbing my eyes out right now? I should be. Am I in shock? I was the only survivor of a plane crash.

The doctor hands Seth a piece of paper and I stand up from the bed noticing my hair looks perfectly fine and straight. I wear a pink tank top, black skinny jeans, pink converse, and I shrug on a leather jacket.

Well I'm glad I was asleep while someone re-dressed me. I bet they thought I was going to die. Some people honestly have no faith.

"Come on lets go," Nathan says, walking with me out of the hospital. I look around outside and instantly spot our car which I run to with the boys following behind.

"Your okay?" Shane asks. I nod.

"You'll never guess what happened!" Seth cheers. I roll my eyes at him.

"Plan on telling me?" I question.

" By the way, you were out for three days," Shane informs me. I nod and roll my eyes, climbing into the back with him.

"Well Simon Cowell called because him and One Direction are close now! Liam told him about you and showed him a video of your singing. He called and said you have potential!" Nathan announces.

"Who's Liam?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Shut up," Seth mutters.

"Who is he?" I ask, looking around at each boy waiting for an answer. They all look away out of the windows but Shane turns to me, sighing.

"Your serious?" he whispers and I raise an eyebrow at him.

He pulls out an iPhone and shows me a picture of me and a guy I have never met. I remember One Direction. The guys on The X-factor.

"He's been your best friend for your entire life," Shane says simply.

"Are you joking right now?" I ask them. They all shake their heads and let out a loud sigh.

So I'm best friends with a guy I don't remember? How come I don't remember him but everyone else? What does this mean?

"I really thought you two were in love," Seth says. I look over to him and see tears streak his cheeks and flood his eyes. Is he crying about mum and dad? Or me and the guy named Liam?

"I know who he is," I say, remembering that I do know him. I know who he is and I remember seeing him before.

"I just don't remember what we had," I sigh.

I look around the car and see my cell phone lying on the floor. I remember I left this in here when me and my parents were dropped off at the airport.

I unlock it, typing in my password and open it up and see tons of missed calls, messages, and skype notifications.

I open up my skype and look through my contacts. Sure enough, Liam is in there. A picture of me and him are on his page and the same is on mine.

I exit the app and go onto my Photos. I check the number and roll my eyes, pressing onto it to open up the photos. I take way to many pictures. I should really stop that. I sigh and go to the first one, starting up a slideshow.

Pictures of me and my friends pop up, my brothers and my family. And Liam. Liam and me. Liam and my family. Everyone. Liam. I know he's my best friend. Every nerve in my body screams his name. I know it.

Liam Payne is my best friend.

But I don't remember any of it. I remember these pictures and where they were taken and what we were doing. But it's like Liam wasn't in any of it.

I feel tears well up in my eyes and my phone starts to ring. I see the name LiamTheKingOfSpoons pop up on my screen.

"Answer it," Shane tells me. I nod and press the button to answer, putting it on speaker.

"VANESSA! IT'S LOUIS!" I hear a familiar voice scream. Louis! I miss him and his love for carrots. I haven't seen him in a while.

"VANESSA!" I hear a chorus of boys say. I smile.

Louis loves carrots. Harry, I never actually met but Louis apparently has a bromance with him. Niall is the Irish one! He eats loads. Zayn is the one with cool hair and screamed at me for using his mirror.


"Hello boys, hello BrilLiam!" I shout. My brothers all look at me and smile. Shane nudges my arm. And I raise an eyebrow.

"You always called him that," Nathan speaks up.


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