I Was Prayin' That You And Me Might End Up Together.

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Still Liam's POV:

"Is she going to be okay?" Louis shouts which causes nurses and doctors to look at him awkwardly. This is not what I needed. Just last night me and Vanessa were dared to kiss-- we did. But tonight she's at the hospital talking to the doctor about results.

Today was actually a good day. We went to the movies and then we went to play laser tag and I let her win. I hope I let her win. That's what I keep telling myself, anyway. But now she was called to the hospital and the doctor has been talking to her for an hour.

"This isn't good," Nathan says. He's Vanessa's oldest brother. Shane and Seth sit quietly, looking around worried and confused every now and then.

"What isn't?" Seth asks, his voice cracking. This must be tough for them. They lost their parents and almost lost her and now somethings wrong here.

I follow his gaze and see Vanessa walking up to us quietly with the doctor trailing behind her. She puts a smile on her face as the doctor starts whispering things to Nathan who seems to be holding himself together.

"So?" All of the boys ask.

"Everything is good for now. Just needed to run a test," he explains and we all nod to him, walking out of the hospital with Vanessa. Yes, the eight of us.

"Vanessa I-" Nathan begins, looking at her with tears in his eyes. He probably thought he was going to lose her too. She shakes her head and pulls him into a hug where he sobs violently. He must be upset from this. Really upset.

"It's okay, don't cry please. Don't cry," she coos and he nods, sucking it up and wiping his tears away. He hugs her along with the others and holds onto her.

"Nathan let go," she says, her voice cracking. He shakes his head but she peels him off of her and his chest pumps up and down breathing quickly.

"I can't!" he screams. Seth takes his arm and pulls him toward their car with the help of Shane. I sigh and walk to Harry's car. Lou took his own. I open the door for Vanessa but she shakes her head and walks to Louis' car.

Louis' POV


I smile to myself. Good, now I wont have to drive alone again. But I'm worried. Why would Vanessa choose me over Liam? Even though she doesn't remember, it's like she never forgot.

I start the car up and drive on the road. She points to a turn that doesn't look familiar but I take it and pull into the lot of a park. I stop the car and look at her. She's here to tell me something isn't she?

"What's going on?" I ask her slowly. She shakes her head and looks straight ahead. I can see the tears trailing down her cheeks even though they come slow. She's trying to be strong.

"Louis. I have to tell you something because I trust you not to tell the others. I'll tell them when I'm ready okay?" she asks me. I feel my heart jerk and a tear streams down my cheek. I've seen this in movies before. It's been said in books.

"Okay," I say simply.

"I have a heart tumor," she says, tears flooding faster now. Her's and mine. I feel a lump form in the back of my throat and I gulp that down, causing another to appear.

"How?" I ask her.

"The doctor said Radiation. Something on the plane and that's why it crashed. It got to me," she says, her voice cracks and I can tell this is killing her just to tell me.

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