Avengers Newbie | Bucky Barnes

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Today was the day that I become an Avenger. Well that's what Tony tells me but always ends up lying but now it's official. As I entered the building I was greeted by Iron Man him self "hey asshole" "oh well isn't it my good friend y/n, so glad for you to come and May I welcome you myself the being an avenger" tony answered back in his cocky tone but I just rolled my eyes at it "yeah yeah" I said while giving him a hug.
When we got to the lounge area I saw Steve ,Bruce, Natasha, Thor and someone who caught my eye was a certain dark hair man who I believe was Bucky Barnes the Winter soldier (our inside joke wenier soldier lol just me ok..).
End of POV

Tony clapped his hands to get everyone's attention "so guys this is are new comer y/n" he said after that everyone looked up with shock because y/n was from 1942 and was captured by HYDRA like Bucky "wait are you another super soldier like dark haired goody locks over there?" Nat ask as y/n nodded yes and turned to look at Bucky looking at her which he added a little smile. Steve then got up "hey um I'm Steve Rodgers" he said letting out his hand as she shook it with a smile towards him "oh yes the famous captain America or basically star spangled war guy back then yes I remember" everyone then laughed and talk and got to know y/n a little bit more.

But Bucky and her didn't get a chance to say a word until later on.

Part 2???

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