Valentine | sebastian

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Y/n's POV
Today when I got home from work Sebastian told me that he had a surprise for me and to get ready. When I was done I went downstairs and he was standing at the end of the staircase wearing a black tux and a blindfold in his hand. "What the hell are you planning" I laughed

"Well let's say it's not gonna be a normal Valentine's Day and I know you don't really like balloons, teddy bears and chocolate eclairs. So I got something that we can remember everyday" he grabbed my hand and led us the our porch in the backyard and down the wooden stairs to the beautiful tall oak tree covered with fairy lights all around it "did you do all of this?" I ask as I stair in awe at the tree and the little black blanket on the ground with candles and take out from our favorite place to eat. "Seb!!!!" "Y/n!!!" "You didn't have to do this" he grabbed my face and kissed me passionately after we put our for heads together taking in the moment "but I wanted to. We have been through so much together and I just want to show you how much I love you also I know you hate this holiday and think it's overrated but make this an exception and let me show you that I love you please?" I laughed at his cuteness, he can be quirky sometimes "ok" "ok"we both smiled and gave each other a quick peck

After long hours of laughter, joy and life there was a little surprise waiting for Sebastian something that was unexpected but will be loved. As we walked back into the house I stoped and turned to him "what's wrong?" He asked "I need to tell you something, I know we have been together for 3 years and we're still young but something happened.....I'm pregnant" as I said those two words my heart stopped for a moment thinking of all the possible ways this moment can go wrong

He just stare at me and of course me being the scared, nervous and shy person I am. I panicked, millions of things going through my mind and thoughts were everywhere my breathing started to quicken "I'm sorry" I mumbled since I wasn't getting a response back from him I felt like I automatically knew the answer he wanted me to leave

So I walk away "wait where are you going?" He ask as I look at him confused "you weren't saying anything so I just thought that you don't want to baby so I thought you wanted me to leave" "what! Baby no I don't want you to leave I'm just in shock this is amazing" he replied smiling like the idiot he is. He ran up to me and twirled me around kissing each spot on my face as I giggled then went down on one knee facing my stomach

"Hey it's your daddy...I can wait to see you, me and mommy love you so much. It's a tough world out there but we will keep you safe and never stop loving you. I will protect you and mommy for the rest of my life... I promise baby" he whispered to my stomach and kissed it then looked up to me and kissed me passionately and at that moment it was just us and our growing family

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