Imagine for @DreamsFirst

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Noelle's POV
things haven't been going well for me and Sebastian first he misses my birthday dinner with my family and our anniversary dinner. He says he is sorry cause of work and all but why does he come home so late.

When I walked into the living room I saw him sitting down watching a movie. "Seb when need to talk" "what's wrong?" He replied "look I know work is important to you but you need to understand that the people in your life is more important" i scolded and thought back on what I just said "look I don't know what's been up to you but you have no right to yell at me, when I'm the one working my ass off just to help us but no I'm the bad guy  here!" He yelled back "oh you work your ass off? You got to be minding me Sebastian I've been working my ass off to remember how I was the one working on Christmas, holidays, birthdays and weekends I've been trying to be happy but every time I come home you are never here for me to talk about my day, to ask if I'm ok and what's been going on lately. I've just been so tired of your shit Seb I.." I couldn't talk anymore since I was in the verge of crying

"Don't start with me ok, it's just been really awful for me not coming home from filming and your not here" he walked towards me as I backed away from him hitting the wall he brought up his hand and I flinched at the thought of him hitting me.

Then his face got soft.

Sebastian's POV
I hat when me and Noelle fight but things happen right. As I was in the middle of talking I rose my hand up but not to hit her and I guess she thought that and flinched. I felt horrible at the thought of ever hitting here "Noelle... I wasn't-' before I got to finish she ran Of to our shared room and closed it shut.

What did I just do.

Sebastian Stan | imagines  Where stories live. Discover now