Im yours | sebastian

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{don't play song yet}

Jess's POV
I was walking around the house, a little tired from last night doing a movie marathon with Seb and it was fun. As I was getting water from the fridge I felt someone's hands on my tummy, I turn my head and Sebastian's laying his head on my shoulder. "Hey beautiful" he mumbled into my ear that gave me chills I smiled. "Hey handsome" "was the baby letting you sleep now?" Yes I'm pregnant and I've never been happier "actually yes even though The baby can be a little stubborn like his dad" I replied sarcastically as he faked laugh "ha ha, and it's a girl" I turned a looked to him "no I'm pretty sure
It's a boy" I laughed.

(I'm lazy sue me but don't actually😂)

me and Seb were walking around New York talking about the next appointment to find out the gender of our baby "Sebastian? Jess? Hey?" We heard a voice say, we turned around and saw Nichole Kidman. "Hey Nichole!" Seb replied back to her "it's nice to see you" she said smiling and rubbing her hand up and down Sebastian arm "oh and hey Jess, it's nice to see you and your pregnant congrats! Who's the father?" She asked and looked at both me and Seb "I'm kidding I know it's Sebastian's, or is it" she mumbled the last part to me "so I was just around , would y'all like to go to lunch with me?" "Yeah sure" I replied. This is going to be great.


We walked into the lunch place (idk what to call it) "I'm gonna go to the restroom real quick" and they both nodded. When I came back I-I saw he hand on Seb's thigh and over heard them talk "So Sebastian, maybe we should hangout tonight" Nichole said as she was rubbing his thigh up and down "Nichole that sounds great but I'm actually with Jess" he told her pulling her hand off his thigh "well, she doesn't have to know and maybe I let you do things to me and I can show you a better night then she has ever did to you and well I'm more beautiful and who would want to be with that ugly fatty" she told him while gripping his shoulder.

"Seb?" I said and both their heads turned to me "Jess uh it's not what it looks like" he replied I looked back at Nichole who had a smirk on her face "I-I I'm not feeling good can you take me home" I told him looking down and walking to the car.

Sebastian's POV
I watch as Jess walked out and into the car what did I do "Nichole don't talk to me ever again, you just ruined something that is important to me" I told her. When I got into the car I tried to take Jess's hand put she just pulled it away and rubbed her baby bump, when we got home she didn't say a word to me and went straight to the couch and I walked to her and crouched down to her level "hey" I said grabbing her hand she tried to pull away "go away Sebastian" "no look at me" I told her. She brought her head up and her eyes where red and puffy "look, I would never go with Nichole you are the one I love, they person who I'm spending the rest of my life with and with that you have brought me a better gift than anyone can give. A family. I'm yours and will always be yours because I'm in love with you and sometimes wonder how can a heart like yours love a heart like mine. I love you Jess." I said she smiled and hugged me.

"I love you too" She whispered

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