I wanted you to be happy pt.2| sebastian

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Y/n's POV
it's been 2 years, Jackie and Sebastian are getting married in a few days. Not a day goes by we're I want to tell him how I feel but I want him to be happy more than anything but I can tell he is not because of how the way Jackie treats him.

I was right in the middle of watching my favorite show Cable Girls on Netflix (a/n: if you haven't seen it go check it out it's amazing) when I heard a knock on the door, as I opened it I saw Sebastian and behind him...Jackie. "This is going to be fun" I mumbled for only me to hear "I'm gonna go use the bathroom real quick" Jackie said leaving me and Seb alone it's been a long time since we've had a conversation just us two. "So how has it been you know with all being engaged and stuff" I said with a fake smile, he laughed "um well it's....great" he said not so happy "Seb you ok?" I ask "yeah seb you ok?" I heard Jackie repeat before he could answer "um well it was nice being here in your....home-but we have to go" she said then walked out and yelled for Sebastian to come "go" I tell him and he left.

Sometimes I just want to punch her , Sebastian has been my family for a long time and my love for him has grown every time I hope the wedding goes great for them

End of POV

*Skip to wedding cause I'm lazy*
Sebastian's POV
Today is the day that I get married to......Jackie. But I keep getting this bad feeling.  It's 2 minutes later  I still can't tie my tie, Someone knocks and opens the door and I see y/n wear a beautiful dress I looked at her, smiled and said "I need help" she laughed at me and made her way towards me "after all this times I should you, you still don't know how to do this" she mumbled "sorry mom" I replied and she hit my shoulder playfully "I hate you" "you love me"

After I finished everything with the help of y/n I saw her staring at me and a tear slipping down her cheek "hey what's wrong" I asked "nothing nothing, I'm-I'm fine. Actually I'm sorry Sebastian I have to go I-I can't do this" she said getting up walking towards the door "wait y/n, you can't do what?" She looked at me her y/e/c eyes watering and red 

"I-I love you Seb, I've always loved you and I didn't tell you because you looked happy with Jackie and I didn't want to mess that up. Since the day we met you were the whole to make me laugh when I was sad, you were there every time I had my heart broken, you were there when my parents died and I knew after all those years I love you so much to let you go be happy" after she said that I put my hand on her cheek and kissed her "why didn't you tell me sooner" I whispered

"Seb you are getting married" "I'm calling it off because I feel the same way y/n I've always had and I thought you never felt the same so I just dated people that I....never loved" I looked and her and grabbed her hand "where are we going?" She giggled

We ran to the alter and I see Jackie waiting looking angry so I went up there and grabbed a microphone and said "I'm sorry for everyone who has came today but I'm not going to marry Jackie because I don't love her I love y/n and I will till the very end" "what the hell Sebastian god why are you doing this and to think I was actually gonna spend my life with your pathetic one, but I was only marrying you for the money" she said out loud and every gasps. Jackie left and everyone was confused

"Y/n we had a rocky life together but let's start over" I said holding both her hands "marry me please?" I asked "yes" she mumbled

A/N: ok so this one sucked badly like really bad. I was having a hard time on what to write and this is the after math great uhhhh anyways I'm still doing requests but only for a little while then I taking it off so do it while u still can 💞

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