Protective | sebastian

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Imagine for @carleydeamel

You were 4 close to 5 months pregnant and ever since that day you told Seb y'all were going to have a baby, he has be protective ever since and when I mean protective I mean when you walk down the stairs he carries you bridal style, he waits for you outside the restroom door and he won't let you do anything at all without  reminding you that 'what if you fall and something happens to the baby'

You loved him to death but you wanted your space once in a while. After he came home from the store you decided that you were gonna talk to him about how you feel about everything that's been happening, I mean your pregnant your hormones are everywhere and you just want to relax "hey babe, what's up" Seb said sitting down next to you rubbing your belly

"Sebastian I know your excited for the baby to come, I am to but it would be nice to do something on my own without knowing your behind me 24/7. I love you so much and I love that your protective over the baby and me but baby please give me some space" you laughed he smiled and nodded kissing your forehead

"I'm sorry it's just I'm afraid that what if I'm not here and you get hurt and I couldn't be there to help you" he mumbled looking down, you cupped his face with both hands and kissed him passionately "I love you Seb and if I need help I yell out for you. You will never loose me nor the baby ok" you reassured him "ok" he mumbled kissing you again while you slowly payed down, him climbing on top of you

You giggled "wow Seb I'm already pregnant because of the last time we were in this position" he laughed and kissed your lips softly before going into the kitchen

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