Imagine Sebastian....

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Imagine your friend begging you to come to a party

"Come on y/n! You have to come it will be fun and guess what? Sebastian is gonna be there" your friend said while you were in bed facing your pillow, but finally gave up and agreed to go "uhhh fine!"
As you and your friend entered you saw Sebastian talking and laughing then he turned and both of your eyes met each other's

"Come on y/n! You have to come it will be fun and guess what? Sebastian is gonna be there" your friend said while you were in bed facing your pillow, but finally gave up and agreed to go "uhhh fine!" As you and your friend entered you saw Sebastia...

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  Then he came walking up to you. "I'm going to go get a drink. Have fun!." She whispered in your ear and left you with Sebastian all alone. "Hey y/n! It's so good to see you" "Yeah it's been a while Seb" you said shyly, you've always liked Sebastian but was too afraid to tell him but little did you know he felt the same way, y'all have known each other since what seems like birth. "Let's go a little somewhere quiet to talk" he suggested you nodded yes in response.

You notice Seb was a little nervous "you okay Seb?" You ask "yeah it's just I've been needing to tell you something for a very long time I.....I like you. A lot." He said but out of no where you felt his lips on yours and you kissed back "so..." " you want to go out to dinner instead of this stupid party" he ask "yeah I would like that" you answered back and he smiled that beautiful smile.

do you want to go out to dinner instead of this stupid party" he ask "yeah I would like that" you answered back and he smiled that beautiful smile

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