Dangerous Women | mob! Sebastian stan

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A/N: messing around with my writing trying to figure out what's fun to write so hope you like this and maybe a part 2?

Y/n's POV
I woke up, breathing hard from a nightmare, haven't had those in a few months.
"Great another nightmare " I mumbled I decided to talk to Sebastian since he is use to me waking him up this early. Sebastian and me have been friends for 5 years already and yes I know he is in the mob, but things are different now, but first I need a drink.

"Well well well, didn't know you drink" I heard a  voice so I quickly drew my gun and turned around. Sebastian. "And..put the gun down" "What do you want Seb?" I mumbled angry and shaken up from the nightmare "Oooo what are you so sassy about" he said walking towards me slowly, let's say are friendship was added with benefits....

"I have a meeting today in my office and drugs coming in later don't go and be courious ok?" I rolled my eyes and mumbled an 'ok', as I try to walk away he grabbed my arm "your coming to the meeting also" he whispers I rolled my eyes as I follow him to his office "why do I have to come to be your men's play toy? No Sebastian I'm your Bestfriend you can't use me for that shit!" I yelled at him as he gripped on my arm tighter "nothing will happen, not like the last time"

What he meant about the last time was when one of his "buyers" drugged me during one of seb's party meetings and.....raped me. Luckily Seb found me half way through it, that's when the nightmares started. "That's why I have you that" he pointed towards the gun and laughed a little seeing as I added 4 white dimonds to it.

Half-way through the "meeting" Seb told me to grab him a drink as the good and loyal friend I was I did as what he said, hate this so much but I love him to much. While pouring the drink into the small glass I felt someone grabbed my hips, I looked to see and it was one of the business men of seb's he whispered in my ear "come on princess, follow me for a good time" I hit him in the stomach "let go of me!" I growled "now aren't you supposed to be a good girl"

I rolled my eyes and punched him and took out my gun, pushed him to the floor and pointed my gun at his forehead getting everyone's attention I looked up and saw Sebastian smirk. "Touch me one more time and I blow you head off. Understand?" I said as the man nodding in response

After the business meeting Seb came up to me "I never thought that I couldn't love you even more than what happened in there, your strong and seems like you can handle and take care of yourself. Plus you've changed" he said rubbing my cheek "well spending my whole life with you and trying to understand how to love you, you've changed me and I've learned things and do things that make me want to do things that I shouldn't"

Little did I know that working alongside Sebastian would make me the most dangerous women in the world

A/N: it's trash I know uhhh

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