Pregnant?| bucky barnes

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It all started out normal until y/n woke up one morning rushing towards the bathroom.
After throwing up what seems to be her dinner from last night, she washed her mouth and cleaned her face to seem that she wasn't crying at all. But she was, she was scared, she decided to go to the store and pick up a pregnancy test, yes her and Bucky have been safe but there was one night where they were not paying attention that well....after she took the test, she sat down on the toilet and it said.

Y/n's POV
"Positive." I-i-I'm pregnant, a million thoughts were going through my head is Bucky going to leave me, I mean his nightmares have finally stopped and he feels comfortable around me again but a baby. What is going to happen "no no no no, this can't happen he's going to leave me" I mumbled sliding down the wall, sitting on the cold tile floor staring at the stick in my hands then I got up and looked into the mirror moving my hand to my stomach, as I looked up I smiled. Part of me was happy but part of me was scared, yes I've always wanted a family but did he?

I looked down at my stomach and whispered "no matter what happens you will always have me and I will never leave you I will always be there for you" a tear going down my cheek

When I got out I saw Bucky sitting up rubbing his eyes "hey doll, you ok?" He ask "yeah" I mumbled going back to sleeping and feeling his arms wrapped around me for maybe the last time. I couldn't just tell him that I'm pregnant I need a little time before he notices me baby bump

The next morning
Bucky's POV

I woke up and turned seeing y/n sleeping. I went to the restroom and saw something on the counter. It it was a pregnancy test and it was positive. "Oh my god" I mumbled a little smile came creeping in on my face.

I walked over to y/n and shook her gently, her eyes fluttering open and smiling up at me "hey can we talk?" I ask while she nodded 'yes' in response getting up a little "what is this" I mumbled looking into her eyes, she looked down at my hands looking blankly at the test. She looked up at me and mumbled "I'm sorry" and then started to cry "hey hey hey, I'm not mad"  I told her "your not?" "No why would I be" I smiled at her and hugged her "I love you" I heard her mumble "I love you too"

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