Who's She? ~ Chapter 8

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I take out my books from my locker. Beside me, Yoongi trying to find his book.

"Aish! Jinjia! Where is my freaking book?!"

He never be patient. I shook my head by his behavior while I putting History book into my bag. This morning, we have PE and History class. After lunch break, we have dance class. So today we only learn History.

"Hey, beautiful ~"

Who is dare call me that. I can tell that by hearing he call me, already make's me want to punch on his face. Relax, yun. Relax... Not for long.

I close my locker after I put things inside my bag. I look to my right, tall man leaning his head to Jimin's locker as he stare at me.

"Are you want to join me at the lunch, beautiful?" He ask me. I guess I have to turn on my cold.

"No. I don't want to join with a pervert." I crossed my arm as I look at him.

He whistle. "Uuuu, so hard to get, huh. But, babygirl I will made you fall to me. " He smirk.

I really want to punch this guy. But I try myself to hold it. "Oh, really? I think you should fall from the building instead from me if you want to die." I glare at him. This guy is really want some trouble.

"You shouldn't talk like that. That was so mean, babygirl." His hand reach for my cheek. But a hand grab his hand, I look to my right, Yoongi's hand grab his hand hard.

"Yah! Don't ever touch her. GET YOUR ASS OUT FROM HERE!" That man hiss in pain as Yoongi release him. Then, that man run away from us.

I sigh in relief. "Thank, Yoongi."

He look at me. His hand reach my head and slowly pat my head. "You welcome. What wrong that man. He is so crazy and pervert. I glad that you're okay. Let's go to our class." He take my hand and walk through the hallway.


Uh? I turn around to my back, see any some suspicious. But...nothing. Am I heard wrong?

"What wrong, yun? Is that something wrong?" Yoongi stop walking make's me stop too. He look at me.

".....No. Everything is alright. Let's go to our class..." I look at him and we walk to our class. We enter to the class together. I walk to my own seat as Yoongi walk to backseat.

I take a seat and put my bag on the ground. I'm not have a mood to sport right now after what is going on. I rest my left cheek with my hand. I look at the front door, I caught my eyes toward a guy. But I can't see his face clearly. Why I feel that I saw he somewhere. But where?

My eyes still look at him. He walk to the back and take a seat. I turn away from him and look in front of me. Weird...

I feel someone poke my cheek. I grab his point hand that poking my cheek. Of course is Jin. He is only person that seat beside me.He just smiling wide at me.

"Why you smile at me." I release his hand.

"Because you so cute to my eyes." He rest his cheek like he was copying me.

I roll my eyes. "Why you being like this? Mmm, Jin?" I ask him.

"Because you're special to me." Jin whispered the last word make me don't hear he say it.

"Huh? What do you say?"  I frown.

He look at me and smile. "Nothing." I about to open my mouth, Namjoon say something to the class.

"I have a have sonething to say to you guys. All the teachers have a meeting right now, so you guys can do you own work. That's mean we don't have a PE and History class." After Namjoon sat, all the student cheer in the class. I close my ear before it I  become deaf. Namjoon walk to his seat and sit. My eyes caught two girls. I think I recognized them. Eun Ji and Cho Rong? The one who want to be friend with me at the girl changing room. Should I make friend with them?

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