A Friend Date ~ Chapter 16

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I put down my lip balm and fix my long brown hair for last time. I look myself at the mirror.

Okay, I'm done.

I take my purse and my phone from nightstand, charging. I open my phone to check the time.


Youngjae said that he will be here at 2 so, I better go downstairs and wait him at the living room. Before I can leave the room, I look at the nightstand, her phone in my drawer, hidden. I bit my lip guilty.

I know what I do is wrong.
But I really need the truth.
I hope they didn't find it.

I open the drawer that I hide her phone, I take my note books and hide the phone with my note books. I make sure that it invisible and close the drawer.

I let out the sigh and take my things before lock my room. I go downstairs and greet by their laughter at the living room.

Then they realize my appearance, Taehyung pat the space beside him and I gratefully accept it.

Hoseok whistle. "Wow, Yuna! You look beautiful in that blouse!"

"Thanks, is Jimin who picked for me." I tell them and Jimin who heard my words, make a proud face.

"I'm the best, right?" He wiggle his eyebrows playfully. They make a disgust faces after heard his words.

"No comment." Jungkook say, look at his phone. The other brust a laughs after heard the maknae reply.

"Tck!" Jimin hiss and cross his arms together, like a angry kid.

I'm just smile at them. My eyes dart over to Jin who staring at me. When he realize that I caught him staring, he turn away, look at Namjoon's phone who scroll the social media.

How I'm gonna to do with this?

I raise one of my eyebrows at Jungkook who wear black shirt and black pants, still look at his phone. I look at the others who wears a comfy clothes.

Are he going somewhere later?
Normally he wear a simple shirt in the house.
But, this?
Nahh, just let him be.

Kakao ~ Kakao ~ 🐝🐝

I snap out from my thought and take out my phone. I open my phone and I got the messages from Youngjae.


Hey, yun.

I'm already outside your guys house.

No, I mean your guys MANSION!😱

Hurryyyyy, my buttercup!!😍

I shake my head, reading his text. I don't reply his text just leaving him seen.

"Youngjae already here. So I'll go now." I stand up.

"Make sure you be home before 10." Yoongi advice me.

I nod. "I'm promise." I give my last smile before I leave the house, wear my pink sandals. I can see Youngjae who waiting in front of the gate. I walk to him and open the gate that make him startle.

Youngjae gasp. "You're scared me!" He faking point his chest.

"Nope, I'm not." I close the gate and heard a 'click' sound, making sure that they already lock the gate from the inside. This gate is control from inside the house, I think Taehyung is the one who unlocked the gate and locked it.

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