Develop VII

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-Three days later-

SGM. Argon: " Lord Chase! Lord Chase, can you hear me?!"

Chase: " I can. What is wrong, Seargent Major?"

SGM. Argon: " It's the Develop VII; I've discovered the location of their proving grounds!"

Chase: " Send me the coordinates."

SGM. Argon: " Right away. If you move very quickly, you might be able to destroy the entire program."

Chase: " Got it. Thanks, Sergeant Major."

Chase made his way to the proving grounds.

Chase: " May I ask what these proving grounds are for?"

SGM. Argon: " Those super soldiers you were fighting were only the first phase of the Orion Project and Develop VII. Phase Two was to fuse the existing serum with DNA extracted from, well, from you."

Chase: " Wha-"

SGM. Argon: " Luckily the samples were destroyed in that facility, but they still have one successful Phase Two soldier at their proving grounds."

Chase: " Not for long."

Chase made it to the proving grounds.

Chase: " Some operation they have going on here."

SGM. Argon: " Lord Chase, remember, your primary target is the Phase Two Orion soldier. If you don't take him out then a doctor named Ted Teddy will be able to duplicate the soldier's DNA and continue his experiments."

Chase: " Trust me, he will be the first to go."

Chase fought the super soldier but the soldier put up a good fight.

Orion: " There's no use resisting nor having to fight."

Chase: " Coward's even got my voice!"

Chase fought the soldier more--he was beaten--Chase consumed his soul.

The soldier was infected with Dangerous X1.

Dr. Teddy: " No. NO!"

Chase: " Ug, what was in that excuse of a soldier?" 

Chase fell to the ground for 30 seconds then got up, surrounded by Merryweather soldiers and helicopters. 

Chase felt something strange. The ground shook... he then slammed his paws on the ground, then giant and really tall spikes came up and made the helicopters crash and killed most of the soldiers.

Chase: " Holy."

SGM. Argon: " Lord Chase, what's going on over there?"

Chase: " I consumed Orion Two's soul and then... I made spikes erupt."

SGM. Argon: " That's the symptom on you because of your powers. It canceled the effect of poison and made you stronger. It's a good weapon to use when you're surrounded by enemies."

Chase then defeated all the enemies in the facility.

Dr. Teddy: " This is Doctor Teddy. I need to extracted immediately! Where's my protection?"

Chase chased after Dr. Teddy, caught him, and nuked the facility.

Chase: " Take my DNA... I will take yours then."(consumed his soul and read a memory)

- 6 months ago-

Commander: " Close to a big breakthrough, are you, Ryder?"

Ryder: "More like a--what is it called-- a personal milestone. The pups and I've been observing Chase when he "saved" us from Milo Maximus at Durgesh--taking measures of his strength. Now I know how exactly how to put him down."

Commander: " "Put him down"? Captain Ryder, what are you and puppies planning?"

Ryder: " Oh, it's nothing to fret over."

Commander: " I just-"

Skye: " It's none of your concern, Commander. Don't try to think above your pay grade."

Rubble: " Please don't."

Other pups [not Marshall]: " Yeah!"

-Present time- 

Chase: " Ryder ... Pups ... Skye ... I am gonna gut you all like a trout."

Chase sonic flew back to the empire causing a sonic boom.

-Paw Patrol's tower-

Sayla: " Hey, Ryder?"

Ryder: " Yeah?"

Sayla: " This came in the mail for you."

Ryder: " Thank you. It's an audio recording."

Ryder turned it on. All everyone heard it.

Chu: " Getting pretty hasty, aren't you, Jin-Soon?"

Dennis: " More like interested. I've been observing Ryder and his crazy pups, along with Chase and Pavlo's lying, cheating, ungrateful, back-stabbing, good-for-nothing, sorry excuse of good girlfriends--seeing what they truly think. Now I know how Chase and Pavlo can put them down."

Cho-Cho: " "Put them down"? Jin-Soon, what are you planning?"

Dennis: " Oh, it's nothing to fret about."

Chinta: " Are you sure about that?"

Dennis: " It's nothing to fret about, Shephard family. Don't try to think above the pay grades Chase gives you all."

It ended.

Ryder: " Dennis ... I'm gonna teach you a lesson."

Skye: " I'll call him. (calls Dennis) Dennis.  You set us up."

Dennis: " Set you up? What are you talking about? I--I've been trying to help you!"

Skye: " You're a liar. You've been trying to get us killed. Now we're going to return the favor."

Dennis: " Skye, please. If you and the others will just come back to the restaurant, I'm sure I can explain whatever misconception you might have! Skye? ... Skye?"

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