Brief with Longinus

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-Paw Patrol-

Zuma: " First Dennis, now the Agent is infected with some magic virus, turning them into one of Chase's kind."

Ryder: " That's why Merryweather is trying to prevent it from spreading."

Zuma: "... Okay."

Longinus calls on Ryder's big screen.

Ryder: " Hey, Longinus. What's up?"

Longinus: " Ryder, my child. I was just thinking that we should work together, you and me, including the pups, and then providence will provide the means. But, I can tell by just a look at you, that you want to know more about Chase. "Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who trains his paws for war, and his little claws for battle." That is a revised of Psalms. It now means: Do what supers do best, even if it requires you to come to a godless city, state, or country. Back to Chase; as a living god, he protects our people through his willingness to defeat, not to kill. And what does he need to fulfill his purpose?"

Rocky: "... His magic powers?"

Longinus: " Faith, Rocky, but a good one. Faith! Bravery! Determination! And most importantly: Belief!  Without them, how else would he manly enough to step up to the plate and do what needs to be done?"

Ryder: " You have a good point, Longinus, but on the contrary, a lot of people in Merryweather think he cares about power and not the lives of others."

Longinus: " Lies, Ryder! LIES!! If that's all Chase cared about, why else would he "pass through the sea of trouble" and calm the surging tides before it got worse. Help yourself, Ryder. Stop listening to lies of the ones who are ungrateful for what he has done us all; they're probably jealous because Chase has the power to make things right. It is because of him why there are no more bloodsheds, no more suffering, everyone is safe. Like I said, help yourself, Ryder, and pups, and Chase will no longer see you as an enemy."

Ryder: " Okay."

Longinus: " Praise God, and the scales have fallen from the boys' eyes. Give me a minute. (walks away)"


Delivery guy: " Package for Longinus?"

Longinus: " That's me."

Delivery guy: " One surprising small box, requested."

Longinus: " Thank you."

Delivery guy: " Good day. (walks off)"


Ryder: " Longinus? Are you okay?"

Longinus: " I'm here!"

Ryder: " Nive little box. Something important?"

Longinus: " "And it is appointed unto men to die, but after this the judgment:" They lie to you, you know this. People call it the circle of life, but... life is built on a pile of bones. You eat, or you are eaten. Animals call it survival. Humans call it business. (opens the box)"

Skye: " Are those..."

Longinus: " Business, Skye... terrible business."

Ryder: " Are you okay?"

Longinus: " This may sound crazy, but believe it. Chase escaped death 1,981 times. Earning him the nickname, in most places, "El Afortunado" which means "The Lucky One" in Spanish. He saved by a bullet... to the head during his time in New York. It killed the old him, the terrible him, one you would have called a coward, a rude one. But that bullet, it made a hole in his skull that allowed the light of God to slip in and he was baptized by the waters of Bridal Veil Falls."

Skye: " So... those diamonds?"

Longinus: " Leviticus 17:11, "for it is the blood that makes an atonement for the soul." These are remnants of past transgressions. Each diamond is a sin, and my hands have committed many but they were atoned, thanks to Chase."

Ryder: " Could this affect us as bad as it affected you?"

Longinus: " Maybe not, but that doesn't it won't. Now think about it! Change the way you are and this won't affect you. And you should also know your ally, Merryweather, is preparing a large shipment of Dangerous X1 at the old  abandoned laboratory in New York."

Rocky: " Wait, Dangerous X1?"

Longinus: " Another terrible business, Rocky. It is a poison that can kill anyone in its path, even you. Now think about it! Stop them! And when you are finished, call me back. For the Lord's work is never done."(hangs up)


{Be'live Empire}

Chase: " No problems then?"

Chinta: " None, cousin, not what we've seen."

Chase: " Awesome. Keep it up. I'll need you and your team to be in place to do what needs to be done in Russia and North Korea."

Chinta: " Of course, we will be ready. And the Merryweather troops will hijack the convoy of the large shipment of Dangerous X1 in New York and deploy it in a marked designated location, far off the shore, will await your command once finished the process."

Chase: " Good girl, Chinta, I knew I could count on you."

Chinta: *giggles* teleports to the location.

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