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-When Raiden and Citra arrive on earth-

The empire was destroyed.

Raiden and Citra: " NO!"

They flew toward the ruins.

Citra: " What happened?"

Raiden: " What happened indeed?"

A survivor approached.

Citra: " Simon? We thought everyone was dead."

Simon: " We're hard to kill."

Raiden: " What happened?"

Simon: " Chase died, right? When he died, the empire died with him--collapsed pretty quickly."

Citra: " Casualties?"

Simon: " Nope. Chase's remaining family members were able to evacuate the empire and villages before they collapsed. They're now in Earthrealm."

Raiden: " Then that's where we must go."

They teleported to Earthrealm. Everyone was safe.

Liu Kang: " Raiden! Thank the Elder Gods. What happened?"

Chu: " Everything collapsed."

Cho-Cho: " How did this happen?"

Citra: " They killed Chase."

Chu: " What? Who did?"

Citra: " My wanna-be sister and her Merryweather friends are who."

Liu Kang: " Dear God. Those traitors need to pay!"

Raiden: " They will, Liu Kang."

A pack of female pups (not Chase's nor Pavlo's exes) appeared.

???: " Sorry for interrupting you, but are you the Earthrealm warriors and gods?"

Raiden: " Yes. I am Raiden, god of thunder. This is Citra, the pup of love. That is Simon, a pup infected with our DNA to give him power. With me and all around you are the mightiest warriors in all the realms. We are the protectors of this defenseless world. Evil will be defeated... one way or another. Also, we are planning an attack on Chase's murderers' base."

???: " I like you, Raiden. I like all of you. My name is Bella. I'm here with my friends: Abigail, Ella, Keth, and Simone. We too are looking for the Paw Patrol."

Raiden: " What do you have against them?"

Bella: " Believe it or not, we have had a certain history with them. They betrayed us all and for what? It brought them no good, but they don't care."

Raiden: " True. And like I said before, those criminals killed Chase. Earth's only hope. He was so talented at getting people to understand him loud and clearly. Without him, everyone could've been dead."

Bella: " True. We can help each other. We'll defeat Paw Patrol and Merryweather together."

Raiden: " Name your terms."

Bella: " None needed. We'll already have what we want."

Raiden: " Nice. We're going to Paw Patrol's tower. See how they like it. You all will need powers to fight them." 

Raiden granted them powers.


[Later] Adventure Bay, Paw Patrol's tower

Nio: " WE DID IT! Haha! We did it! We did it!"

Ryder: " Calm down. Yeah. We did it. What now?"

Chase - The Thunder Pup: Season 5Where stories live. Discover now