Find Or Be Found

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{The Next Day; Adventure Bay Airport}

-Willis Huntley's plane-

Willis heard a knock at his plane's door and answered it.

Everest: " Mr. Huntley?"

Willis: " Everest? You're here by yourself?"

Everest: " I snuck out to see you."

Willis: " Hmm. Never thought you'd do that."

Everest: " First time ever."

Willis: " Wait! You're not an American. Mostly Americans knock! Hmm. How can I help?"

Everest: " Well, you're helping yourself as well, but, I want to know more about who killed Marshall and why Chase is doing what he's doing. The others think this Intel doesn't solve anything."

Willis: " I told ya, the more work you do for me, the more little black bars get put out to pasture. C'mon. (throws something out the window) Get it, I'll give you a teaser. Consider it a down payment."

Everest got in the plane and the door closed behind her.

Everest: " Alright. I'm interested."

Willis: " When Chase was first recruited in the New York Police Department, it was over a crime needed to be solved: a strange disappearance of a young lad in a now old abandoned town called Tirtha. He was working for Chief Danny Horton, the best commander he's ever had, they got along very easily."

Everest: " Interesting."

Willis: " Interesting, indeed! He was still in a relationship with his now ex-girlfriend, Daisy then Angel then Rosie, then, his eyes were still moist and sparkling unlike now. They promised to be the best girlfriends Chase ever had! But moments later, when Chase arrived late to home, he caught them all having intercourse with a strange pup that looked "hotter than him". They later dumped Chase for those guys before things got too serious! (starts the engine) When Chase was promoted to Seargent, one of the best days of his and his family's life -- that's when the feces hit the fan, mi amigo! Pardon my French."

Everest: " What? No no, I, I-I can't hear you anymore!"

Willis: " Don't worry, it'll be in the documents I give you when you finish this job!"

{When they arrived at the designated location}

Willis: " That night Chase had to flee New York, all the knives were out. Near as I hear tell, Alex Kayo is middle of it. You want answers, all paths lead to him."

Everest: " So what do you know about him?"

Willis: " He's Chase's second-in-command of these militaries. Came in with him from New York. Triad connects up the yin-yang. You know that is, no? Yin-Yang? That's alright."

The passenger door opens.

Everest: " So what are we doing here?"

Willis: " We're going after one of Kayo's sites and the man running it. Find him, follow him, find out what he's planning, we'll be able to get him to sing us a tune. Use these, they'll make it easier." (gave her goggles and a silent jetpack)

Everest got out and the door closed. Everest searched the valley and later found a group of military guys.

Everest: " Willis, I found the Lieutenant."

Willis: " Are you sure he's the right one?"

Everest: " How can I tell if he's the one?"

Willis: " There's a button on the side of the goggles to take pictures. Take a picture of him and send to me."

Everest took a picture and sent it to Willis.

Willis: " No dice, Every. That's not your man the guy you're looking for is supervising Kayo's archeological dig. Tell you what. Just go to the next place and take a picture of the next person who looks like he could be in charge of anything more important than frying tacos, flipping burgers, cleaning bathrooms, and washing dishes. Nothing's more American than spying on them all and letting God sort 'em out. Call me when you think you've found him. Sorry if I made hungry. I got some stuff in here you can have for that."

Everest searched more of the valley and saw another Lieutenant. 

Willis: " I forgot I could where you look. That's not the guy either."

She searched more of the valley, over caves, and through trees.

Willis: " Okay, Every, you passed right by him. He's in that tent right below you."

Everest: " Okay."

Everest saw the guy and followed him into his tent where she found the intel. She was shocked.

Willis: " One second. Dang it! You found it?"

Everest: " Yeah, I found it. They're too developing a superweapon. But nothing about Marshall."

Willis: " Well, dang to a rookie. Get to a secure location. I'll head over and pick you up once I finish this calculation. You won't believe how hard it is to understand this junk. Oh, nevermind, on my way!"

-Moments later-

Willis dropped Everest back at the lookout.

Willis: " Thanks for flying the unfriendly skies, snowflake. Once I find another lose thread on Kayo, I'll be in touch. Don't express the little mission to the others unless I want them to know. They're not in the "need to know" column, unlike Merryweather. Have a nice day, snowflake."

-Willis's POV-

Willis receives a call.

???: " A word to the wise, Mr. Huntley. Next time you need something lanced, employ the services of a professional, as scarce as those services may be around here. Did you know because of your boss, I sponsored an entire class of student to study medicine in Singapore? And they never came back, can you believe the depth of that ingratitude. My men dealt with their families there, in somewhere in the southern region of Singapore, and I had my contacts in Singapore track them down and find a fitting end for each of them. Well, as satisfying as that was, I now find myself lancing in my own boils. Gillian! Bring me some gauze and some bloody antiseptic ointment."(ends call)

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