The UK tour

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'Nice practice boys' I said getting some water out of the cooler

'Hey boys come here we need to talk' Paul said to the five of us, were we in trouble?

'Yes?' Louis asked once we all were in the little room

'I have a surprise for you boys' Paul said half smiling. He was a very emotionless man

'What?' Niall asked impatiantly

'Well you boys are going on tour around the UK' Paul said

'Aaargghh thats awesome' I yelled. we were all jumping around and yelling different things until Paul made us be quiet

'You will be gone for about 3 to 4 months, and you leave in a week' He said sternly. Why cant the man be happy for once?

Crap thats a long time...I cant leave my mom and Kelani alone that long. Yeah they can take care of themselves, but its not fair. I mean it would be nice to get away from Kelani though because we fight so much. I feel bad for her though, she has no dad, but you can tell she really wants one.


'You ready?' mom asked Harry 

'Yeah lets go' He said opening the door for us

'So do the boys hate you?' i mocked

'No shut up, but mom guess what!' Harry said sounding too excited

'What what?' She asked. Now when i have news and im happy she never gets this excited

'Were going on tour for 3 to 4 months, and we leave in a week!' he said

'Oh no...' my mom sighed. Haha maybe harry cant go!! suckerrr!

'What?' Harry asked confused. 

I was now listening very intently

'I didnt want to tell you yet, but i guess i have to tell you now' She started tearing up then pulled over to the side of the road

What the hell is going on?!?

'Mom are you ok?' Harry asked concerned

'Yes, but i um have to move...' she was bawling now

I just sat in the back motionless. Were moving?

'Mom i cant move!' Harry yelled

'No honey i figured you would be touring or probably live with Louis, but the problem is Kelani' 

Im the problem?!? woah woah woah!

'Wait im the problem? how?' I was so confused right now, and this was not going in the direction i wanted it to go. haha get direction, one direction, yeah whatever.

'Im not aloud to have kids where im moving besides you wouldnt want to come because its in America' She was sobbing alot 

''Oh...' i Couldnt find any other words to say

Was i going back to an orphanage or foster home?....Although i would love to go to America, I mean i am American.

'What do you expect me to do??' Harry asked obviously frustrated

'Well I guess Kelani might...she might have to uh go with you...' She said quietly

'WHAT?!?!?!' Me and Harry shouted at the same time

Dont get me wrong i would love to tour with one direction, but i dont even know them. Harry doesnt even want me to know them! And i dont know why...

'Please please just hear me out Harry and you to Kelani' She said trying her hardest to keep calm

'Fine' Harry gave in. He loved his mom so he always tried to understand her point of view in everything. What a mama's boy.

'Well i was thinking she goes on tour with you, and she will stay out of the way, and then live with you and Louis if you move with him then she will move out, and go to college' 

'Whatever, but i doubt management will let her' Harry said. He was angry and i could tell.

'Well I will call them now'

What? No no no no! Why? why call now i dont want to go! The boys will hate me! Why cant my mother read minds? And Harry keeps giving me an evil glare thats freaking me out.

'Yes, Hi this is Anne, Harry's mum' She said into the phone 'Well i need to ask a huge favor'

I didnt want to listen anymore, so i got out my earphones and plugged it into my iphone, then turned it up very loud and listened to Justin Bieber. I dont know why I did because I dont like him that much, but some of his lyrics are really good.

When we got home i ran upstairs and shut my door. I just want to be alone for the rest of the night.


I sat there and listened to my mum talk to management. This is not fair. Why does Kelani have to come? I dont want her to meet the boys! I dont want them to fall in love with her, because i cant lie she is pretty. She has long wavy blonde hair, and blue eyes that could pierce your very soul. She had a nice tan, and perfect skin. She has a perfect figure although she always says she is fat. But i know our career wouldnt go as far because one of the boys if not all will fall in love with her.

'So are you sure?' My mum asked on the phone still

'Oh thankyou thankyou i promise she will do whatever and stay out of the way!'

'Yes ok thanks bye'

When she hung up the phone i looked at her hoping it was a no although i knew it wasnt.

'So?' I asked. I looked back to see Kelani listening to her music and looking out the window. She always did that when she was mad or scared or sad.

'Well they said it is perfectly fine' My mother seemed very happy. Why was she so happy? 

I sat there and just thought about how this was going to work. Kelani doesnt want to go, and I feel bad for her. I mean her life hasnt always been easy. Her real mom died when she was 5, and her dad did drugs around her. Then she moved to another country, and got adopted into a family with different accents and looks. Now she is dealing with me her famous brother. Also the fans dont really like her, and i dont do much about it...

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