You cant even drive yet!

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'Harry' I sighed trying to calm myself down 'Im pregnant'

He stared at me. I couldnt tell if he was angry, sad, scared mad or what. 

'Kelani your kidding right' He stood up and I thought he was going to hit me, but thankfully he never did 'This is the stupidest joke ever! Where are the camera's?' Harry started looking all over the living room for a camera

'Harry stop' He turned around and looked at me 'Its not a joke ill show you the test and in nine or ten months i can show you the baby'

'Kelani you cant even drive yet! How the hell are you going to take care of a baby?!?!' Harry shouted. I was actually kind of scared

I heard rustling from the bedroom door across from us, and of course as if right now cant get any worse out comes Zayn, Liam, and Niall. They were either listening in on our conversation or playing video games.

'Your pregnant?' Zayn asked in more of a whisper. I nodded my head and looked at the other boys faces. They looked worried and sad. Just like me..

'How are you feeling?' Liam asked trying to be calm about this

'Well right now not so hot because I cant even drive and im about to have a baby' I am so stupid. Why did I do this to myself?

'Im such an idiot..' I started crying into Liams shoulder

'No your not you didnt know, and you thought it was soda' Liam stroked my hair while I cried into his shoulder. I heard Harry get up leave the hotel room. I think all the boys were staring at me.

'Liam' I said into his shoulder


'Im scared..' 

'Its going to be ok' Liam looked at me and wiped the tears away from under my eyes

'I hope so' I looked around to see the boys looking at me. Zayn was crying, and Niall was just staring. Louis must still be on his walk, and Harry was still gone.

'Zayn' I didnt want to do this, but I had to talk to him. He looked up at me with red puffy eyes. 'Can I talk to you?'

He followed me out to the hall and leaned onto the wall.

'Are you going to..' I couldnt do this. Not yet. This is really awkward..

'Be the kids father?' Zayn finished for me


'Yeah, I mean im scared out of my mind but im not going to leave you alone'

He is amazing.

'Thankyou Zayn!' I gave him a big hug and looked into his eyes. They were red and puffy like mine. His face was blotchy and he looked worried. I cant blame him. 

Im just happy he is going to help me..

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