Its time...

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I woke up to that sharp pain in my stomach again. I looked over to my left and found Zayn in the bed with me. Should I wake him up? No its 3 am I shouldnt..

I didnt realize it but I started groaning. And the noise woke up Zayn.

'Hey baby whats wrong? Are you ok?' Zayn asked me. His face went completly worried when he saw mr clenching my stomach.

'It hurts' Was all I could manage to say. The pains were getting worse

'Im getting Harry' Zayn left the room tofind Harry. Why did he leave me im so scared what if im about to have the baby. A couple minutes later Harry and Zayn came into the room. I was crying and screaming because there was so much pain.

'How are you babe?' Zayn asked. I think he was about to cry too

'In pain' I kind of shouted because the pain got worse as I was talking

'We need to get her to the hospital' Harry said 'I'll call an ambulance'

'No mate lets just get her down to the car it will take too long' Zayn said

I started feeling sick and in so much pain that everything was getting blurry and I couldnt talk anymore. Next thing I knew I was being picked up and carried to the car. The drive seemed like forever. When we got to the emergency room I was lifted onto a stretcher and rolled away. The people kept talking to me and asking questions, but I couldnt answer them. I tried to talk but it wouldnt come out.

Everything got more blurry then before then it all went black.


'You want another drink?' Zayn asked me. I was feeling great right now. 

'Yeah I dont know what they do to their Mt Dew, but I love it!' I shouted so Zayn could hear me over the loud music

'Here you go' Zayn said handing me a drink. He kind of spilt half of it because hes so drunk, but whatever I will just go get more once im done. I have had so many of these drinks though.

'Follow me' Zayn said taking my hand. He led me through a crowd of people. I puked twice on the way but felt much better after I did.

He led me into a room. With a bed...Hey whatever I feel great! Nothing is going to happen though. A few minutes later after making out my dress was on the floor somewhere and so were his clothes...

-End of flashback-

I woke up breathing heavily. What just happened? I looked around and saw I was in a hospital people were yelling different things and rushing around. I saw the nurse look at me and her eyes went wide.

'She's up she's up!' The nure shouted. Whats going on?

'Whats going on?' I was so confused and kind of freaked out. I had a wierd dream. Was that what happened to me and Zayn?

I heard a bunch of beeping noises that gave me a head ache. I want to be out of here so bad.

'Honey you were unconcious but now that you are awake you must start pushing now' The nurse said quickly

'No no wheres Zayn?' I needed someone here with me. I had no one..Not even my mother anne. Who said she was too busy to come visit her pregnant daughter

'He will come visit soon' The lady looked worried. Why would she be worried? 'You must start pushing now'

-8 hours later-

'He's beautful' Zayn said holding the little boy he can now call his own.

'He is' I agreed. We were still in the hospital room just this time we were alone. Just Me, Zayn, and our baby Josh. We agreed on Josh David Malik. I had given birth a few hours ago which took forever but then they took the baby away because they thought something was wrong. An hour later they brought him back to me and Zayn.

It felt so wierd being here right now. With Zayn in a hospital room. And holding our child. And im 15...

I also couldnt get the dream I had out of my mind. The one I had before I blacked out.

'Hey Zayn' I sighed I didnt want to talk about this now, but I mean im kind of sad were sitting here holding our baby and I dont even remember my first time going all the way.

'Yes babe?'

'I had a dream before I blacked out earlier'

Zayn nodded for me to continue. He was staring into my eyes like he really cared, but occasionally he would look down at Josh.

'We were drinking and then we went upstairs and..'

'Babe I know I remember that, but lets just celebrate the fact that you brought this handsome boy into our lives' Zayn always knew exactly what to say

'Ok' I giggled a little and gave Zayn a little kiss.

'PDA!' We heard someone yell. We looked over to find Louis and all the boys coming in

'Shhhh' Me and Zayn said at the same time 'Josh wants to sleep' I said smiling at the little boy that I feel so bad for. Im 15 im so not ready to be a mom.

'Oh so you picked Josh?' Harry said. We nodded then let all the boys hold them

-1 month later-

'Hey babe' I heard Zayn say from the front door.

The tour had to end because of me sadly, but I needed Zayn. I moved into with Louis, Harry, and Zayn. Zayn decided to move in with us because of the baby. I am now 16 and will be learning to drive soon thank god.

'Hey hon how was your day?' I asked while holding the baby

'Great we are almost finished with the second album' Zayn said. I let him hold Josh while I went to get his bottle because he will probably be waking up soon.

 'So has he learned to crawl yet?' Zayn asked following me into the kitchen

'No Zayn he is only a month old dont rush it' I giggled. Something I have noticed is I have become so mature in the past month because of Josh.

'Ok ok well I cant wait till he can play sports with me though' 

'Whatever Zayney' I giggled. I went over and wrapped my arms around my boys. 

This all feels so wrong, but at the same time it feels like everything is right...

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