What happened?

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We were all sitting in the waiting room waiting to hear how Kelani is. What is wrong with her? Did she really not drink? Then why did she have a head ache? Ugh I have a head ache thinking about all this.

'Kelani Styles' The nurse said holding a clipboard

All of us stood up

'Who is her father?' The nurse asked

'Uh im her brother she doesnt have a father' I said

'Oh ok well Kelani is going to be alright' She assured me. She walked over to an area the boys couldnt hear us and I followed

'What happened?' I asked

'Well it looks like someone put a lot of alcohol in the soda she had' She started

She really didnt mean to drink...Crap I yelled at her

'And she had so much soda it got her very drunk. Also was that the first time she has ever drank?'

'Yes ma'am I believe so'

'Well being her first time and having so much was what caused it'

'Oh can we visit her?' 

'Yes room 203'


I motioned for the boys to follow and told them what happened on the way. We got in the room to find Kelani laying on the bed with her eyes squeezed shut, and a nurse injecting her with something. She looked like she was in alot of pain.

'Hello boys i'm just giving her some medicine to kill the pain. She is in alot right now because she had so much alcohol everything just hurts for her' The nurse said

'Oh' Was all I managed to say

'All done Kelani' The nurse told her once she took the very large needle out making me cringe

Kelani's eyes were blood shot and you could tell she was about to start crying. I felt so bad for her..

'Hi' She said very quietly

'Hey im really sorry I shouldnt have yelled at you' I said sitting on the bed

'Its fine' she sighed

'Are you in pain?' Niall asked sitting on the other side

'Lots' She replied


I could tell all the boys felt bad, but right now I just wanted to die. The amount of pain in my head and body is indescribable. I know they all care. I dont remember anything though..

'So could you guys tell me what exactly happened?' i asked. It hurt to talk, but I wanted to know

All the boys looked at each other then everyone looked at Zayn. Why are they all looking at him?

'Boys can you leave and ill tell her' Harry asked

OH MY GOD what happened? Everyone is so serious!

'Kelani..' Harry sighed 'Last night we went to a party, and someone put alot of alcohol in your Mt Dew and you got drunk and you know had sex with Zayn..'

I DID WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!

'What?' I shouted even though it hurt so bad to talk

'Dont freak out you need rest' 

'Oh my god' Was all I could say

Harry left the room without saying anything. Gee thanks. I layed there thinking about what he said. How could I do that? Well its not like im pregnant so I shouldnt be freaking out that much...


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