This cannot be good...

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There was something wrong with me. I dont know what though. I have had five Mt Dews and I cant stop. I have no idea why, and I feel loopy like kind of dizzy, but I feel great at the same time!

 Me and Zayn were dancing. We werent holding anything back either.He was drunk, and I was just being wierd. I should probably find Harry. I mean I am most likely the only person not drinking here.

'Kelani you are a great dancer' Zayn said into my ear.

Our bodies were touching and we were dancing like we were at a club. Honestly I was having alot of fun right now. I feel crazy and wierd, but great! I had no idea where Harry was, but the more soda i had the less i cared!

'You too!' I yelled back making sure he heard me

'Follow me' Zayn demanded taking my hand and leading me somewhere

I really like this kids Mt Dew i feel great! Except while Zayn was taking me somewhere I vomited three times on the way

Zayn led me into a room. An empty room. But for some reason I didnt care! I was kind of confused but happy and wanted to scream and dance, but Zayn had other ideas

Zayn pushed me against the wall and started kissing me. Very roughly. Next thing I knew my dress was gone as well as his clothes...


I woke up to a very sharp pain in my head

'Owwww' I groaned. I held my hand on my head and started crying

I opened my eyes to find harry sitting next to me. I was on the couch. What is wrong with me?

'Kelani' harry said frustrated

'Harry whats wrong with me? My head hurts like hell!' I screamed while crying still

This was so painful

'Kelani dont play stupid with me' Harry said sternly scaring me

Im so confused right now what did i do?

'Harry I honestly am so confused and in pain' I was in alot of pain plus I have a very low pain tolerance

'Last night you drank'

'What?!?!?' I screamed I did not drink! wait what even happened last night?

'Wait I dont remeber drinking anything or what even happened last night?'

'Kelani last night we went to a party and when we were leaving we looked every where for you and zayn when we found you guys naked in a bed' harry stated

'what?' Oh my god no please be a dream!

'I wrapped you up in the sheet and brought you here so go get changed' He demanded

I got up with the sheet still around me and literally fell back down. My head hurt so bad! Harry didnt notice so I crawled to the suitcase then to the bathroom. Once I was changed I felt dizzy and sick. I ran to the toilet and puked. Then I everything went black....


I went to the kitchen so Kelani could have some privacy. Zayn was taking some advil for his head ache.

'Hey harry she didnt drink' Zayn said 

How did she not drink if she did it with you, and smelt like alcohol?

'How? How does she do that with you then smell like she does?' I asked extremely pissed off

'She had alot of Mt Dew and maybe it rubbed off from me' He said

I heard a noise that sounded like vomited. I looked at Zayn then ran to the bathroom door and heard it from there. 

It stopped

I opened the door slowly to find an unconscious Kelani on the floor.

'Oh my god Kelani! Kelani wake up!' I screamed

'Zayn call an ambulance!' I yelled 'This cannot be good' 

OH MY GOD what happened to my sister??

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